Many people associate their self-worth with their work. The more successful their career, the better they feel about themselves.

admin2023-01-31  18

问题     Many people associate their self-worth with their work. The more successful their career, the better they feel about themselves. Work-related self-esteem is therefore a worthy ideal to pursue with vigor, right? Well, not always. According to recent research, in which psychologists interviewed 370 full-time workers over a period of three weeks, the reality is a little more complicated. And it involves negative as well as positive consequences.
    It’s natural to be drawn towards pleasure and to step away from pain. In the workplace, if that pleasure comes from a triumph which swells our self-respect, people will try to repeat the accomplishment. But repeating that accomplishment is often not realistic, which can lead to severe negative emotional consequences when it doesn’t reoccur. This form of motivation is widely regarded as a negative type of motivation. It can hinder other more positive motivation types, such as completing a task purely because it’s fulfilling or enjoyable.
    What consumes the employee instead is a pressing need to feel mighty and sure of themselves. They then take on only tasks and objectives which serve that ego-driven need. As a result, to avoid feelings of shame and worthlessness associated with failure, they extend themselves to such a degree that there’s a subsequent adverse effect on their well-being. This internal pressure to succeed at all costs demands a lot of effort. It depletes their energy, culminating in disproportionate levels of damaging sentiment.
    Those negative emotions mount into heightened anxiety, impacting their ability to make the most of their personal life. Their desire to avoid feeling inferior ends up making them feel inferior when it comes to their diminished capacity for friendship and leisure. They end up dissatisfied both at work and outside of it.
    But thankfully, for those people compelled almost entirely by this specific form of motivation, the news isn’t all bad, or bad at all. The study also discovered several positive outcomes that can actually outweigh the harmful ones. Though these types of employees are motivated by the desire to avoid negative consequences, they are also motivated by the excitement of pursuing emotional rewards. This excitement makes pursuing goals enjoyable and stimulates pleasure and pride that would result from success. An effect of the positive motivation is that it neutralizes the existence of negative motivation.
    Sure, it affects people’s personal lives to what could be deemed an unhealthy extent, because leisure activities are often seen as a part of life that must be sacrificed to manage work and family demands.
    However, the way people feel about their work has less to do with whether they’re motivated by the preservation of self-esteem but more with the fact that they’re simply motivated.
What do employees tend to do in pursuing work-related self-esteem?

选项 A、Take on tasks well beyond their actual capabilities.
B、Strive to succeed at the expense of then well-being.
C、Resort to all means regardless of the consequences.
D、Exaggerate their sense of shame and worthlessness.


解析 根据题干中的employees和出题顺序定位到第3段。题目询问员工在追求与工作相关的自尊时倾向于做什么。第3段提到了员工在追求与工作相关的自尊时的情况,其中第3句指出,为了避免与失败相连的羞耻感和无价值感,他们让自己拼命到会对他们的健康产生不良影响的程度。也就是说,为了取得成功,他们不惜牺牲健康,可见B项的表述正确。A项“承担远远超出他们实际能力的任务”中的well beyond未在文中提及。C项“不计后果地采取一切手段”中的Resort to all means并没有原文依据。D项“夸大他们的羞耻感和无价值感”则是利用原词shame and worthlessness进行干扰,原文并未提及该项的Exaggerate。
