The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enforced.

admin2022-09-08  29

问题 The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enforced.
In 2013, the world population neared 7.2 billion people and had increased by over 1.5 billion people since the adoption of the Programme of Action of ICPD, the International Conference on Population and Development, in 1994.
Ukrainian President signed the legislation on ending the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and Russia. The treaty, which has been in place for about two decades, will be terminated on April 1, 2019 amid rising tensions between the two countries.

选项 A、True


解析 特定信息的找寻与判断。根据原文“The treaty, which has been in place for about two decades”可知,该协定己持续有效约20年,即约20年以前生效。因此,该题的说法是正确的。把握原文细节信息,准确理解词汇和语义。原文中“decade”内含数字信息,需灵活转换。
