The Asian Edge? It’s Confucius Confucius developed a philosophy that powerfully shaped Chinese society and culture. It offer

admin2014-09-17  284

问题                         The Asian Edge? It’s Confucius
    Confucius developed a philosophy that powerfully shaped Chinese society and culture. It offered rules and standards of conduct for governments, families and individuals at a time when feudal Chinese society was chaotic, unstable, crime—ridden and torn by war between states.
    In his career, Confucius advanced through a series of official jobs and occasionally worked as a diplomat and advisor for princes. He proposed that government jobs be filled on the basis of merit, not wealth, social position or family connections. China established a system of civil service examinations (called   "the Ladder to the Clouds" ) that, in a highly stratified society, opened up a rare path to society’s upper reaches for talented young people.
    Starting in his teenage years, a Chinese student would read Confucian classics in history, poetry and philosophy in preparation for the formal examinations that could start him on the road to a brilliant career as a public servant. Confucian teachings linked the exercise of power to a reverence for learning. As an old Chinese proverb puts it, "All walks of life are lowly; only the scholar stands high."


答案 亚洲人的优势?是孔子 孔子提出的哲学思想对于构建中国的社会和文化产生了巨大的影响。孔子生活的年代中国正处于封建社会,社会混乱,动荡不安,犯罪现象普遍,诸侯纷战使得国家四分五裂,这时孔子提出的思想为治国、理家和个人处世提供了准则和行为规范。 孔子一生中曾官运亨通,偶尔还做过外交官,当过一些君王的顾问。他主张官员选拔应根据德才,而不是财富、社会地位或家庭关系。中国建立了一套文官考试制度(称作“登云阶”),为具有才干的年轻人得以在一个等级森严的社会里进入社会上层,铺设了一条难得的道路。 中国学生从十来岁开始,便要阅读孔子有关历史、诗歌和哲学方面的经典著作,为将来参加正式考试做准备。这类考试会使他有朝一日进入官员行列,飞黄腾达。孔子的学说把使用权力和尊重学习结合起来。正如中国有句俗话所说: “万般皆下品,唯有读书高。”

解析     这篇文章探讨了中国古代伟大思想家孔子及其学说对中国乃至整个亚洲地区的深远影响,本书节选三段作为翻译实践,在感悟哲理的同时,要注意积累固定表达句式。
1.  edge:a favorable margin,advantage(优势)。
2.powerfully shaped Chinese society and culture:构建中国的社会和文化产生了巨大的影响。shape译为“构建”,如构建和谐社会,更符合汉语表达习惯。
3.  It offered rules and standards…torn by war between states:翻译时,注意这句话语序的调整。故译为“孔子生活的年代中国正处于封建社会……,这时孔子提出的思想为治国、理家和个人处世提供了准则和行为规范”。增添“孔子生活的年代”,使句义更加完整。
4.  ridden:excessively full of or supplied with(充斥着)。crime-ridden故译为“犯罪现象普遍”。/conflict-ridden:充满冲突的。
5.  advanced through a series of official jobs:曾官运亨通。
6.  government jobs be filled:官员的选拔。句中的fill:to possess and perform the duties of(担任)。
7.  on the basis of merit:根据德才。
8.  a system of civil service examinations:与历史相结合,故译为“一套文官考试制度”。
9.  stratify:to divide into a series of graded statuses(使分层化),in a highly stratified society译为“在一个等级森严的社会里”。
10.reaches:level(层次),用这层意思时使用复数形式,society’s upper reaches译为“社会上层”。
11.that could start him on the road to a brilliant career as a public servant:这类考试会使他进入官员行列,飞黄腾达。这里把brilliant career译为“飞黄腾达”,在英文中,还可以采用rags-to-riches来表达这层意思。
12.Confucian teachings:孔子的学说。《论语》译为The Analects of Confucius。
13.exercise:to make effective in action(使用),故将the exercise of power译为“使用权力”。
14.As an old Chinese proverb puts it。  “All walks of life are lowly:only the scholar stands high.”:正如中国有句俗话所说:  “万般皆下品,唯有读书高。”,all walks of life表示“社会的各个阶层”。
