
admin2019-04-11  92

问题    2016年,美国妇女儿童老年人权利保障状况堪忧,女性收入大幅低于男性,频繁遭受性骚扰和性侵犯,儿童贫困率居高不下,虐待老人事件时有发生。性别收入差距明。2016年,在工作量同等的情况下,美国女性平均薪资大幅低于男性。纽约市政府部门的女性薪资比男性低18%;圣迭戈(San Diego)主管层人员中,薪资性别差距甚至更大。


答案 The situation of protection of rights of women, children and elders in the United States was worrisome in 2016. Women were paid much less compared to their male colleagues who do the same work, and they frequently fell victims to sexual harassment and assault Poverty rate among children remained high and cases of elder abuse happened from time to time. Gender pay gaps remained large. An a-nalysis found women were paid much less compared to their male colleagues who do the same work in 2016. Women with city government jobs in New York made 18 percent less than men.Gender pay gap among supervisor staff in San Diego was even wider.

