Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. E

admin2021-08-19  61

问题     Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials—capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being—a productive person, a winner.
    The words "winner" and "loser" have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes someone else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy and responsive, and genuine, both as an individual and as a member of a society.
    Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather they are themselves and as such do not us their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretense and manipulating others.
    Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.


答案 人皆生而为新,为前所未有之存在。人皆生而能赢。人皆有其特立独行之方式去审视、聆听、触摸、品味及思考。因而都具备独特潜质——能力和局限。人皆能举足轻重,思虑明达,洞察秋毫,富有创意,卓有成效,成就功业。 “成者”与“败者”含义颇多。谈及成者,我们并非指令他人失意之人。对我们而言,成者作为个人和社会一员,必为人守信,值得信赖,有求必应,态度诚恳。 成者行事并不拘泥于某种信条,即便是他们认为应为其奉献一生的理念;而是本色行事,并不把精力耗在装模作样、装腔作势、摆布他人上。 成者敢于利用所学,独立思考,能区分事实与观点,且并不佯装通晓所有答案。他们顷听、权衡他人意见,但能得出自己的结论。尽管他们尊重、敬佩他人,但并不为他人所局限、所推翻、所束缚,也不对他人敬若神灵。

解析     capacity为名词,born with the capacity to win at life意为“生来便拥有在人生中成就功业的能力”,“成就功业”本就含有能力强的意思,故这里可以将之调整为四字词语“生而能赢”,表达更加简洁。win at life中需要注意介词at,它表示“在……方面”。
    名词being前的四个形容词是本句翻译重难点,翻译时首先根据前后语境,采取并列句式,使用“人皆能……”开头,形成前后呼应,然后将形容词所描述的人物特点用几个四字词语并列描述,并以同样的方式将a productive person和a winner分别译为“卓有成效”和“成就功业”,令译文读起来一气呵成,铿锵有力。
    翻译a concept of what they imagine they should be时,若是拘泥于原句结构译为“一种按照设想中应该成为怎样的人而去生活的观念”,与前边的部分放在一起,语言冗杂,读来拗口,因此将之精简,译为“他们认为应奉行的理念”。而在处理后半句中“use their energy putting on a performance,maintaining pretense and manipulating others"这部分时,为了保留原句整齐的句型结构,同时体现散文语言的形式美,使用“装模作样、装腔作势、摆布他人”与之对应。要做到能够使用在含义以及形式上皆对应的词语需要考生在平时的学习中增加阅读量,深刻理解词语和短语的内涵。
    表示被动含义的介词by前有四个动词,通常中文表示被动含义的关系词除“被”之外,还有“因、受、给、遭”等。翻译时需要根据具体的动宾搭配选择合适的关系词,译文使用“为……所”来表达其中被动的含义,与原句更贴切,同时最后的awed by them中awe表示“敬畏”,但很明显这里的敬畏程度超出了正常的程度范围,因此使用“敬若神灵”一词加以强调。
