Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of 150-200 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET. Y

admin2021-03-19  63

问题 Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of 150-200 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary.
In Shanghai, KFC serves porridge for breakfast and Peking Duck burgers for lunch. In Beijing, Starbucks serves green and aromatic teas. In Shenzhen, Coca-Cola produces carbonated fruit drinks and bottled water. The brands are indisputably western and they are carving out good market share as global businesses. But they have also learned that success in the emerging markets requires adaptation to local tastes, attitudes and values.
        Glocalization, to be brief, is the combination of "globalization" and "localization". The term first appeared in a late 1980s publication of the Harvard Business Review and has been used for description of marketing and trading since then. As can be seen in the examples of KFC, Starbucks and Coca-Cola in China, in business, glocalization is used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally, but is also adjusted to accommodate the user or consumer in a local market.
        I must admit, I don’t like the word, and you won’t find it in the dictionary, so technically, it isn’t a word, but the concept of glocalization does have some substance. As social, economic and political interdependencies make the world ever more global, our hearts still cling to our small tribal ancestries, and yearn for the comfort of our local surrounds — a language we speak and understand, people that look and sound like we do, familiar foods, etc. That’s predictability. Ten years ago, we might have seen global and local as the two ends of a dichotomous spectrum, but today we are appreciating that we can be both, we can be glocal, in all senses.
        Anthropologists studying this 21st century metamorphosis are softening what would otherwise be polar extremes and showing that a hybrid of global and local is not only possible, but the most probable outcome. Increasingly we want to indulge in the unique idiosyncrasies of cultures other than our own. Chances are your culinary tastes are much more diverse than those of your grandparents. Chances are you have traveled abroad to experience a different culture. Chances are your work colleagues come from at least half a dozen different ethnic backgrounds. To think it over, glocalization is already what all of us, consciously or not, slip into in our everyday life.
        In such a world trend, while we enjoy more advantages, new challenges are emerging for careers, especially when you are managing a glocal team. New competencies are required that combine leadership, personal and interpersonal capabilities in a global context to drive organizational effectiveness. Studies show that successful cross-cultural leaders can combine general intelligence IQ, with emotional intelligence EQ and provide the appropriate context via cultural intelligence CQ. These are high order, strategic, new generation abilities that will distinguish real global citizens from those with a one-dimensional mindset.


答案 Western brands carving out good market share as global businesses have learned that success in the emerging markets requires adaptation to local tastes, attitudes and values. Glocalization, to be brief, is the combination of "globalization" and "localization". The term has been used for description of marketing and trading since it first appeared. In business, it is used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally, but is also adjusted to a local market. Glocalization isn’t a word but does have some substance. With the growing globalization caused by social, economic and political interdependencies, our hearts still yearn for the comfort of our local surrounds. Studies are showing that a hybrid of global and local is not only possible, but the most probable outcome. We are more and more interested in the uniqueness of cultures other than our own and glocalization is already what all of us encounter in our daily life. While we enjoy more advantages, new challenges are emerging for careers, especially when you are managing a glocal team. New competencies are required that combine various capabilities in a global context to drive organizational effectiveness.

解析         本文主要论述的是“glocalization”,即全球本土化。文章首先通过举例论证,指出要想在新兴市场取得成功就需要适应当地的品味、态度和价值,从而引出全球本土化的概念。接下来,从单词本身开始,展开对全球本土化的论述。具体阐述从商业开始,推及社会、经济、政治等各个领域,并由人类学研究发现引发思考,揭示全球本土化现象已经渗透到人们的日常生活当中。最后,文章指出在享受全球本土化带来的好处时,人们也面临着由此产生的新挑战,特别是职场上的挑战。
1. They have also learned that success in the emerging markets requires adaptation to local tastes, attitudes and values.本句是整篇文章的引子,通过举例说明,引出文章的核心。
        (1)They have learned that…结构
2. Glocalization, to be brief, is the combination of “globalization” and “localization”.本句是对文章核心的基础性阐释,点明此概念内涵的两个要点,所有的展开论述都离不开这两个点。
        (1)Glocalization is…结构
        (2)globalization 全球化
        (3)localization 本土化
3. It isn’t a word, but the concept of glocalization does have some substance.本句中的but一词指明了文章脉络的转向。
        (1)It isn’t…but…结构
4. Anthropologists studying this 21st century metamorphosis are showing that a hybrid of global and local is not only possible, but the most probable outcome.本句通过援引研究发现,进一步深化文章的论述。
        (1)not only…but…结构
        (2)hybrid 混合
        (3)most probable最有可能的
5. In such a world trend, while we enjoy more advantages, new challenges are emerging for careers, especially when you are managing a glocal team.该句通过转折,引出本文要论述的另外一个方面。
1. The brands are indisputably western and they are carving out good market share as global businesses.该句提供重要的介绍性信息,协助构成中心内容。
        (1)The brands are…结构
        (2)global businesses全球化品牌
2. The term first appeared in a late 1980s publication of the Harvard Business Review and has been used for description of marketing and trading since then.该句是补充文章观点的细节信息,使综述更加详尽。
        (1)The term…结构
        (2)marketing and trading行销和买卖
3. In business, glocalization is used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally, but is also adjusted to accommodate the user or consumer in a local market.该句是支持文章观点的重要细节,构成文章主要内容的一个侧面。
        (1)glocalization is…结构
        (4)adjusted to调整适应
4. Social, economic and political interdependencies make the world ever more global.该句是支持文章主干内容的重要背景信息。
5. Our hearts still cling to our small tribal ancestries, and yearn for the comfort of our local surrounds.该句从人的感受的角度对文章主要论点进行阐述。
        (1)Our hearts sill…结构
        (3)local surrounds当地环境
6. Ten years ago, we might have seen global and local as the two ends of a dichotomous spectrum, but today we are appreciating that we can be both, we can be glocal, in all senses.该句是对文章主干内容的进一步深化。
        (1)Ten years ago… but today…结构
        (2)in all senses从任何意义上
7. Increasingly we want to indulge in the unique idiosyncrasies of cultures other than our own.该句为主干内容提供具体解释。
8. Glocalization is already what all of us, consciously or not, slip into in our everyday life.该句对本段的论述进行总结式阐释,进一步深化文章主干内容。
        (1)Glocalization is already…结构
        (2)everyday life日常生活
9. New competencies are required that combine leadership, personal and interpersonal capabilities in a global context to drive organizational effectiveness.该句是对文章主要观点的具体论述,展开下文。
        (1)…are required…结构
        (3)global context全球背景
10. High order, strategic, new generation abilities will distinguish real global citizens from those with a one-dimensional mindset.该句是对文章主干论点的结果性阐释,对段落起到总结作用。
        (1)will distinguish…from结构
