China has long fretted that it lacks a great modern literary voice with international appeal. In 1917 Chen Duxiu, an influential

admin2014-10-03  79

问题 China has long fretted that it lacks a great modern literary voice with international appeal. In 1917 Chen Duxiu, an influential intellectual and later founding member of the Communist Party, asked; "Pray, where is our Chinese Hugo, Zola, Goethe, Hauptmann, Dickens or Wilde?" In recent years this has developed into a full-blown "Nobel complex. " For a period in the 1980s the quest for a Nobel Prize in literature was made official policy by the party, eager for validation of its growing power and cultural clout.
Now, at last, the Chinese have something to crow about. On October 11th Mo Yan, a Chinese writer, won the 2012 prize. The Nobel committee lauded what it called the "hallucinatory realism" of his works, which mix surreal plots with folk tales and modern history.
Mr. Mo writes within a system of state censorship. He is widely read and respected within China. He is also a Communist Party member and vice-chairman of the state-run China Writers’ Association. When the Nobel award was announced, Chinese television channels interrupted their programming to announce the news. Thousands of China’s microbloggers congratulated Mr. Mo. A publisher under the Ministry of Education says it was already planning to include a Mo Yan novella in a school textbook.


答案 长期以来中国人因没有一位具有国际号召力的现代文学巨匠而苦恼。作为一名知识分子的陈独秀,后来的共产党创始人之一,曾于1917年问道:“请问,中国的雨果、左拉、歌德、豪普特曼、狄更斯或王尔德身处何处?”这似乎已经成了全中国近几年的“诺贝尔情结”。在20世纪80年代曾有过一段时间,共产党把获得诺贝尔文学奖作为官方政策确定下来,渴望世界认可其蒸蒸日上的国力和文化影响力。 如今,中国人终于有了可以自鸣得意的谈资。就在10月11日,中国作家莫言获得了2012年的诺贝尔文学奖。诺贝尔委员会称赞其作品中体现出来的“魔幻现实主义”风格,该风格将离奇的民间故事和当代历史融为一体。 莫言在国家审查制度下搞创作,在中国广为人知并备受尊重。此外,他还是一名中共党员,同时是中国作家协会副主席。诺贝尔文学奖获得者一公布,中国各电视频道便插播莫言获奖的消息,许多人开始发微博祝贺莫言获奖。一家隶属于中国教育部的出版商声称他们早就打算将莫言的一篇中篇小说纳入教科书了。

