
admin2014-02-15  51

问题     不过新鲜好奇开洋荤,以及家庭聚会、恋人约会这一类在阎云祥文中成为“美国文化中国化”的要素,正在逐渐消失于中国的沿海城市;最起码在繁忙时间,麦当劳的顾客群多由互不相识者组成,这正是美国快餐业者的理想顾客。与此同时,麦当劳的选址也日益向商业区和写字楼区靠拢,一个成熟的市场正在形成。尽管如此,我依然看不出中式快餐找到了与洋快餐一决雌雄的战机。


答案 However, what Yan Yunxiang referred to as "elements of localization of American culture in China", which include novelty of exotic things, family reunions, and lovers’ dating, are phasing out in McDonald’s in China’s coastal cities. At least at its busy hours, diners at McDonald’s there mainly consist of people who do not know each other, precisely what American fast food industry views as its ideal target customers. At the same time, McDonald’s increasingly tends to choose its location close to central business districts and areas with lots of office buildings. All these indicate that a market in the real sense is taking shape. However, I still cannot see any good opportunities for Chinese fast food industry to compete with their foreign rivals.

解析 1、本段为叙述当前发生的社会现象,故总体上采用一般现在时。
2、第2句可根据意思断为两个短句。“选址”意指选择其所处位置,可译为chooseits location。“日益”可译成increasingly;“商业区”在国际上通常成为business district,国外现代城市规划中常用CBD表示,即central business district的缩写;“成熟的”可按字面译为mature,但此处意指真正意义上的,译为短语in the real sense作后置定语更为贴切;“形成”可译成taking shape或taking form,也可译成coming into existence.
3、第3句“我看不出一决雌雄的战机”意为文章的作者认为竞争获胜的机会很小,故可译为I still can not see any good opportunities;“中式快餐”应译成Chinese fast foodindustry,与上文中的American fast food industry形成对等。
