中国科学家在沿海省份大面积试验用海水(seawater)灌溉农作物,以供养众多的人口,这些人口正面临土地匮乏、淡水(fresh water)短缺的压力。中国人口占世界人口的五分之一,而可耕地面积只占世界总耕地面积的七分之一。假如所有的可耕地都用来种植农作物

admin2021-07-13  59

问题     中国科学家在沿海省份大面积试验用海水(seawater)灌溉农作物,以供养众多的人口,这些人口正面临土地匮乏、淡水(fresh water)短缺的压力。中国人口占世界人口的五分之一,而可耕地面积只占世界总耕地面积的七分之一。假如所有的可耕地都用来种植农作物,那么可以生产出一亿五千万吨农产品,大约相当于中国30%的年产量。另一方面,海水灌溉对于中国这样一个人均淡水占有量只占世界人均四分之一的国家来说,将大有裨益。


答案 Chinese scientists are experimenting on irrigating crops with seawater in vast areas of coastal provinces to help feed the huge population facing land and fresh water shortage. China has one-fifth of the world’s total population while it only accounts for one-seventh of the world’s arable land. If all that land can be used for planting crops, 150 million tons of agricultural products could be yielded, about 30 percent of China’s annual output. In another aspect, seawater irrigation is of great advantage for China whose per capita possession of fresh water equals only about one-fourth of the world’s average.

