In agriculture a relevant aspect is the better adaptation of plants to specific environmental conditions that can be gained usin

admin2016-09-27  126

问题 In agriculture a relevant aspect is the better adaptation of plants to specific environmental conditions that can be gained using genetic engineering techniques: this includes the better adaptation of crop plants to the changing environmental conditions, including climate change, increased UV radiation, changed rainfall patterns. Plants may be able to be more resistant to drought, flooding, salinity or sensitivity to heavy metals, so that they can be grown in areas of the earth currently beyond the tolerance range of species, or even those areas unable to be used for agriculture at all. Furthermore, other environments could be considered: tolerance to low temperature is also important, and, for example, an antifreeze gene from an arctic fish has been transferred to soybean, with the goal of creating plants tolerant to low temperature. Another aspect is related to chemical problems connected with plants growth: aluminum toxicity is a problem in low pH soils, where it may reduce plant growth. By making plants tolerant, they could grow better in such soils. Genetic modifications could lead to an increased disease and pest resistance and to the production of new cultivars with improved pest and disease resistance to promote more environmentally acceptable alternatives for food production. The genetic manipulation could lead finally to the utilization of new raw materials: traditional foods often involve consumption of only one or several parts of a plant, for example fruits, leaves, roots, or stems. Plants grown in one culture for roots may be eaten for their leaves in another, such as beetroot. Some plants may be eaten by humans in one culture, such as the plant rape in Japan, whereas it is used for rapeseed oil production in Europe.
[Key Words]
salinity n. 盐度;盐分;盐性 cultivar n. 栽培品种
beetroot n. 甜菜根 rape n. 油菜


答案 在农业方面,基因工程技术可以使植物更好地适应现实的特定环境条件,也就是让农作物更好地适应环境条件的不断变化,包括气候变化、紫外线辐射增强以及降雨模式的变化。植物的抗旱、抗涝、抗盐分能力或是对重金属的抗敏感性都会增强,这样的话,就可以在超出物种耐量范围的土地或是在那些根本不能耕种的地方种植作物。此外,还要考虑到其他环境因素:耐低温也很重要,比如已经把北极的鱼体内的抗冻基因移植到了大豆上,以研制出耐低温的植物。另一方面就是关系植物生长的化学问题:在pH值低的土壤中铝中毒是个问题,因为它可以减缓植物生长速度。植物产生抗体的话就可以在这样的土壤中长得更好。基因转变既可以使抗病虫性能增强,也可以生产出新的品种,使抗病虫性能得以改善,推动粮食生产合乎环境要求。基因操作最终会使新的原材料具有新的用途:传统的食品经常是只食用植物的一个或几个部位,比如水果、叶子、根或茎。在一种文化里可能只食用植物的根,而在另一种文化里可食用的则是叶子,比如甜菜根。在一种文化里植物可能是用来吃的,比如日本的油菜,而在欧洲是用于榨油的。

