Fake products are very harmful, but they still enjoy great popularity. They have brought about a lot of social problems. Why can

admin2022-10-07  43

问题     Fake products are very harmful, but they still enjoy great popularity. They have brought about a lot of social problems. Why can they get so widespread? What harmful effects can they bring to people? How to solve this problem? Choose one or two aspects to talk about it.
    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic-.
                                The Harmful Effects of Fake Products
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 The Harmful Effects of Fake Products Nowadays, China is suffering from the prevalence of fake commodities. Fake products are so widespread in the market that almost everybody has the frustrating experience of buying one. Then, what harm do they bring to us? On the one hand, fake products do harm to individual consumers. They can bring about great loss in both people’s property and life. For example, bad seeds result in bankruptcy of farmers. And another case in point is that if a consumer buys fake medicine, it not only won’t cure him of his illness but also may threaten his life. On the other hand, the production of fake commodities is a great danger to our society in many ways. Firstly, the good reputation of a well-known product may be ruined overnight by fake products. Secondly, fake products, usually associated with organized crime and backed up by powerful multilayered corrupt bureaucrats, may cause chaos and ruin our society. Since fake products do great harm to individual consumers and to our society, it is high time that we did something to avoid being victims of fake goods. Every one of us has a duty to fight against fake products.

解析     本题是给定观点型题目。题目以假冒产品的害处作为话题,要求考生从为什么假冒产品如此盛行、假冒产品给人们带来了什么害处以及怎样解决这一问题三个方面中选取一个或两个展开分析,提出自己的观点,然后进行论证。本题是一个热点话题,可以有多种思路,既可以把现在假冒产品的盛行当作结果,分析其原因;也可以分析假冒产品的现状,着重分析其对人们产生的影响,指出其严峻性;或者从解决问题的角度,分析如何杜绝假冒产品。
    中间部分用“On the one hand…”和“On the other hand…”从两个方面分析了假冒商品的危害。在提及第二点时,分别使用 “Firstly…”和“Secondly…”进行列举,结构清晰,层次分明。
    结尾部分总结全文,并呼吁全社会采取行动杜绝假冒商品。虚拟语气“it is high time that…”的使用加强了紧迫感,颇具说服力。
