The Empire State Building, the world’s tallest for four decades and still the tallest in New York City, will buy 100% wind power

admin2022-05-13  19

问题 The Empire State Building, the world’s tallest for four decades and still the tallest in New York City, will buy 100% wind power from Texas-based Green Mountain Energy Company. "It was a natural fit for us to combine 100% clean energy with our nearly completed, groundbreaking energy efficiency retrofit work," Anthony E. Malkin, president of Malkin Holdings, which runs the building, said in the announcement. "Clean energy and our nearly 40% reduced consumption of watts gives us a competitive advantage in attracting the best credit tenants at the best rents."
  The two-year contract for 55 million kilowatt hours of renewable energy annually will prevent nearly 100 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions each year, according to Green Mountain. The company estimates the CO2reduction is the equivalent of nearly every house in New York state turning off their lights for a week or planting nearly 150,000 trees—more than six times the number in Central Park.
  As part of its green retrofit, the Empire State Building has hired Serious Materials to remove, retrofit and replace each of its 6,514 double-hung, dual-pane windows. It’s also adding insulation and other upgrades.


答案 帝国大厦,这座过去40年中的世界最高楼,如今依然是纽约的最高建筑,将向一家总部设在得克萨斯州的绿峰能源公司购买风能作为大厦100%的能源供给。帝国大厦运营商马尔金控股公司总裁安东尼.E.马尔金在一次对外发布会中宣布“帝国大厦这次前所未有彻底的能效改造工作即将竣工,改造后的帝国大厦将100%使用清洁能源。清洁能源和大厦40%的电能节约将具备显著的竞争优势,从而能以最合理的价格吸引到最具信誉的租户。”   根据绿峰公司的统计数据,这项两年期共计5500万千瓦小时的可再生能源供给合同每年可为大厦减少1亿磅的碳排放。该公司计算出这些减排的二氧化碳相当于整个纽约州的家庭一周照明的碳排放量,或者相当于15万棵树一年的二氧化碳吸收量——是纽约中央公园碳吸收量的6倍以上。   帝国大厦在其绿色改造过程中使用高效节能材料替换掉了总共6514组双层、双片玻璃窗。在此基础上还增加了隔热板及其他设施的升级更新。

解析     第一段第二句引语的翻译“It was a natural fit for us to combine 100%clean energy with our nearly completed, groundbreaking energy efficiency retrofit work.”该句结构为it作形式主语,真正主语为后面带逻辑主语的不定式结构,翻译时需要注意按英语的要求,动作的逻辑主语应为us,如果直接翻译成相应的汉语则为我们对大厦改造……,我们使用清洁能源……,显得冗长,不符合汉语表达习惯,不如将汉语的主语调整为帝国大厦,动作的执行者大厦的运营商上文已出现,不会产生歧义。最后一句中的两个best翻译为以最合理的价格吸引最具信誉的租户,完全是根据语境选择适当的意思。 第二段第一句according to Green Mountain的翻译适当采取增译,“根据绿峰公司的统计数据”。第二句的翻译我们要用到另一种翻译技巧,正译和反译,即原文正说的话,翻译时可以反说,原文肯定的可以翻译成否定,反之亦然。这么做并不是刻意要反着说,而是有些英汉两种表达方式不同,一种语言的正说或肯定难以用另一种语言准确表达出来,或者说反着说更符合另一种语言的表达习惯。“The company estimates the CO2reduction is the equivalent of nearly every house in New York state turning off their lights for a week or planting nearly 150,000 trees—more than six times the number in Central Park.”如果按英语表达法翻译成相应的汉语即“这些减排的二氧化碳相当于整个纽约州的家庭关闭照明灯一周所排放的二氧化碳或者……”读起来感觉像不懂汉语的人说出的话。
  第三段第一句也需要在翻译中变通,英语意思很明确“As part of its green retrofit, the Empire State Building...”直译为“作为大厦绿色改造的一部分……”虽然没有歧义,但还是显得生硬,是英语式汉语,不如意译一下:“在大厦绿色改造过程中……”,在其他翻译同样准确的前提下,哪一种给人印象更深,考生可自己作比较。另一个需要注意的是对“green”的处理,这里似乎直译要优于意译,大家可以比较“绿色改造”与“节能环保改造”的效果,因为绿色的概念或说法已经妇孺皆知,直译效果更好。
