A、They are checking the posters on the office walls. B、The man suggests the woman to look at the posters every hour. C、They can

admin2013-02-05  53

M: Excuse me, what’s the difference between the regular subway ticket and the seven-day pass?
W: Well.it costs you only 17 dollars to get a seven-day pass, and you get unlimited use during the whole week. However, the regular admission is 1. 5 dollars per trip.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
M: Sally,will you check these posters for me before I put them up? I have made some posters for the office walls to remind people to take a break every hour.
W: That’s a great idea. I often get a headache from staring at my computer for too long.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、They are checking the posters on the office walls.
B、The man suggests the woman to look at the posters every hour.
C、They can stare at the posters in order to relax their eyes.
D、The posters suggest employees to take a break regularly while working.


解析 男士想在海报墙上贴些关于提醒同事们每工作一个小时就应休息一下的海报,并请女士帮他看看。女士认为这是个很好的想法,她说她经常由于盯着电脑时间太长而头痛。故答案为D)。
