The basic function of financial system is to channel funds from savers who have excess of funds to spenders who have a shortage

admin2015-07-14  32

问题 The basic function of financial system is to channel funds from savers who have excess of funds to spenders who have a shortage of funds.Financial system can do this either through direct finance.In which borrowers borrow funds directly from lenders by selling them securities,or through indirect finance,  which involves a financial intermediary that stands between the lender-savers and the borrower.spenderS and helps transfer funds from one to the other.This channeling of funds improves the economic weltare of everyone in the society,because it allows funds to move from people who have o productive Investment opportunities to those who have such opportunities,thereby contributing to increased efficiency in the economy.In addition,channeling of funds directly benefits consumers by allowing them to make purchases when they need them most.
    Financial markets can be classified as debt and equity markets,primary and secondary markets.excnanges and over the counter markets,and capital markets.Financial intermediaries are financial institutions that acquire funds by issuing liabilities and in turn use those funds to acquire assets by purchasing securities or making loans.Financial intermediaries play an important role in the financial system,because theY reduce transaction costs,allow risk sharing,and solve problems created bv adverse selection and moral hazard.As a result,financial intermediaries allow small savers and borrowers to benefit from the existence of financial markets,thereby increasing the efficiency of the economy.


答案金融体系的基本功能是使资金从有盈余资金的储蓄者手中,转移到资金短缺的使用者手中,金融系统可以通过直接融资和间接融资来实现,直接融资是借款人直接将证券出售给贷款人,间接融资涉及金融中介,他们处于贷方储蓄者和借方使用者的中间,帮助资金从一方转移到另一方,资金的转移会改善社会中每一个人的经济福利,因为它使得资金从没有生产性投资机会的人手中转移到有生产性投资机会的人手中,从而有助于提高经济的效率。除此之外,资金的转移允许消费者在需要时实现最大的购买,从而使消费者受益。 金融市场可以被分为债券市场和股票市场,一级市场和二级市场,交易所市场和柜台交易市场,货币市场和资本市场。金融中介是通过发行债务获得资金,转而通过购买债券和发放贷款获得资产的金融机构。金融中介在金融体系中发挥着十分重要的角色,因为他们降低了交易的成本,实现风险分担,解决了由道德风险和逆向选择导致的问题。因此,金融中介实现小规模的储蓄者和借款人从金融市场中受益,从而提高了经济的效率。

