Americans’ entrepreneurial self-esteem is now embodied by Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon. These are indeed fabulously innova

admin2014-10-03  131

问题 Americans’ entrepreneurial self-esteem is now embodied by Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon. These are indeed fabulously innovative companies with world-class business models. Yet one wonders if they are increasingly the exception, not the rule, and if the passing of Mr. Jobs is simply the most prominent example of a broader decline in American entrepreneurship. According to JPMorgan, employment at start-up companies regularly grew 1. 2m per quarter in the late 1990s. That has fallen to 700, 000 since the current recovery began.
Entrepreneurship and innovation, of course, are not the same thing. Yet even if American innovation is fundamentally sound, there remains the more unsettling problem of how narrowly its fruits are shared. If you want to know why the Senate is on the verge of passing a bill punishing China for its trade practices, look no further than this fact: Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon collectively employ just 113, 000 people, a third of GM’s payroll in 1980. Naturally, as Adam Smith pointed out long ago, the sole purpose of production is consumption, so one should not scoff at the benefits these companies create for Americans in their other role as consumers rather than workers. And in truth, technological advancement has probably done far more than trade to hollow out the middle class and widen inequality. Slapping China with punitive tariffs is more likely to trigger a trade war than restore millions of middle-class jobs.


答案 现今,苹果、谷歌、脸谱和亚马逊几家企业代表着美国的创业自尊,它们确实拥有难以置信的自主创新能力,并有世界一流的商业模式。但我们不禁担心,它们是否逐渐成为例外而非规则,乔布斯的逝世是否仅仅象征着美国创业精神的一大衰落。摩根大通公布的信息显示,20世纪90年代后期,新兴企业的就业人数以每季度120万人的速度增长,而这一数据自最近的复苏开始已经降到了70万人。 创业精神和自主创新当然不同。但是,即使美国的自主创新情况基本良好,令人不安的问题依然存在,即其自主创新的成果几乎没有在世界上得到分享。如果你想知道为什么美国参议院可能通过一个处罚中国贸易实务的法案,不妨看看下列事实:苹果、谷歌、脸谱和亚马逊共计雇用11.3万名员工,是通用汽车公司1980年的三分之一。自然,亚当.斯密很久之前便指出,消费是一切生产的目的,因此这些公司以消费者而非工人的角色为美国创造的利润,我们不能嗤之以鼻。事实上,在挖空中产阶级、扩大了不平等一事上,技术进步比贸易更加难辞其咎。对中国征收惩罚性关税,更可能引发贸易战争,而不是恢复中产阶级的数百万个工作职位。

