Athens and Sparta were both Greek cities and their people spoke a common language. In every other respect they were different. A

admin2019-03-20  65

问题     Athens and Sparta were both Greek cities and their people spoke a common language. In every other respect they were different. Athens rose high from the plain. It was a city exposed to the fresh breezes from the sea, willing to look at the world with the eyes of a happy child. Sparta, on the other hand, was built at the bottom of a deep valley, and used the surrounding mountains as a barrier against foreign thought. Athens was a city of busy trade. Sparta was an armed camp where people were soldiers for the sake of being soldiers. The people of Athens loved to sit in the sun and discuss poetry or listen to the wise words of a philosopher. The Spartans, on the other hand, never wrote a single line that was considered literature, but they knew how to fight, they liked to fight, and they sacrificed all human emotions to their ideal of military preparedness.
    No wonder that these somber Spartans viewed the success of Athens with malicious hate. The energy which the defense of the common home had developed in Athens was now used for purposes of a more peaceful nature. The Acropolis was rebuilt and was made into a marble shrine to the Goddess Athena. Pericles, the leader of the Athenian democracy, sent far and wide to find famous sculptors and painters and scientists to make the city more beautiful and the young Athenians more worthy of their home. At the same time he kept a watchful eye on Sparta and built high walls which connected Athens with the sea and made her the strongest fortress of that day.
    An insignificant quarrel between two little Greek cities led to the final conflict. For thirty years the war between Athens and Sparta continued. It ended in a terrible disaster for Athens.
    During the third year of the war the plague had entered the city. More than half of the people and Pericles, the great leader, had been killed. The plague was followed by a period of bad and untrustworthy leadership. A brilliant young fellow by the name of Alcibiades had gained the favor of the popular assembly. He suggested a raid upon the Spartan colony of Syracuse in Sicily. An expedition was equipped and everything was ready.


答案 雅典和斯巴达同属希腊城邦,它们的人民讲同一种语言,但在其他方面,两个城市则毫无共同点。雅典高高地矗立在平原之上,享受着徐徐而来的清新海风。雅典的人民习惯用孩子般热切好奇的目光,打量这个惬意的世界;而斯巴达则坐落在峡谷的底部,高耸的群山环绕四周,成为阻挡外来思想的天然屏障。雅典是生意繁忙的贸易之邦;斯巴达却是一座大兵营,人人厉兵秣马,公民的理想都是成为一名优秀的士兵。雅典人喜欢坐在温暖和煦的阳光下,谈论诗歌或聆听哲人智慧的言辞;斯巴达人正好相反,他们从不写下任何一行与文学有关的东西,却熟谙战斗的技巧。事实上,他们喜欢战斗,为了军事理想,他们宁愿牺牲人类的所有情感。 难怪这些严肃的斯巴达人会对雅典的成功报以满腔的恶意与仇恨。雅典人将保卫共同家园所焕发的精力,现在用于和平建设的目标。他们重建了雅典卫城,将其作为祭祀雅典女神的大理石神殿。雅典民主制度的伟大领袖伯里克利派人四处邀请著名的雕塑家、画家和科学家,请他们到雅典工作,让雅典变得更美好,让雅典的年轻一代更有才德,更配得上他们的家乡。与此同时,伯里克利还时刻警惕着斯巴达的动向,他修筑了连接雅典与海洋的高大城池,使雅典成为当时防卫最坚固的堡垒。 一件小小的争执引发了两个希腊城邦间的冲突。双方兵戎相见、刀戈相向,战火一直持续了30年。最终以雅典遭受灾难性的失败而告终。 在战争发生的第三年,一场可怕的瘟疫突袭了雅典。雅典的半数人口死于这场灾难。更为可悲的是,他们英明睿智的领袖伯里克利也被瘟疫夺去生命。瘟疫过后的一段时期里,雅典的领导者无能且不可靠,后来一位名叫阿尔西比阿德的年轻人大有作为,赢得了公民大会的支持。他建议对西西里岛上的斯巴达殖民地锡拉库扎进行一次远征。这一计划在阿尔西比阿德的指挥下有条不紊地进行着,一切就绪。

