But it was not until long after midnight, at about 2:30 A. M. of April 30, as several witnesses recall, that the Fuehrer emerged

admin2014-06-02  52

问题     But it was not until long after midnight, at about 2:30 A. M. of April 30, as several witnesses recall, that the Fuehrer emerged from his private quarters and appeared in the general dining passage, where some twenty persons, mostly the women members of his encourage, were assembled. He walked down the line shaking hands with each and mumbling a few words that were inaudible. There was a heavy film of moisture on his eyes and, as Frau Junge remembered," they seemed to be looking for away, beyond the walls of the bunker."
   After he retired, a curious thing happened. The tension which had been building up to an al most unendurable point the bunker broke, and several persons went to the canteen -- to dance. The weird party soon became so noisy that word was Sent from the Fuehrer’s quarters requesting more quiet. The Russians might come in a few hours and kill them all -- though most of them were already thinking of how they could escape -- but in the meantime for a brief spell, now that the Fuehrer’s strict control of their lives was over, they would seek pleasure where and how they could find it. The sense of relief among there people seemed to have been enormous and they danced on through the night.


答案 但是,据几位在场人的回忆,一直到半夜以后很久,大约是四月三十日早晨两点半钟,元首才走出他的私人房间,来到作为饭厅的过道上,在那里等候他的约有二十人,多半是他的女部下。他同在场的人一一握手,嘴里叽叽咕咕,也听不清说的是什么,他眼里含着泪水,据荣格夫人的回忆“他的视线好像越过地下避弹室的墙,看着很远的地方。” 在他退回私室以后,一件奇特的事情发生了。地下避弹室里已经达到了令人不能忍耐的紧张气氛松弛下来了,有几个人到饭厅来跳舞。这个不可思议的舞会发出的喧嚣声音很大,以致使元首那边下了命令叫他们安静一点。俄国人可能在几个小时就打进来,把他们都杀光。虽然他们当中大多数人一直在考虑如何逃命的问题,但是由于元首对他们的生命的严格控制已经结束了,在这短暂的片刻,只要可能,他们也想寻欢作乐一番。这些人看来真是如释重负,因为他们竟跳了一个通宵。

