Having established the (social) nature of man and the consequent necessity for social existence, Adams proceeded to analyze the

admin2015-11-27  53

问题 Having established the (social) nature of man and the consequent necessity for social existence, Adams proceeded to analyze the nature of society. All men have one common nature and from that may be inferred equal rights and duties. " But equal ranks and equal property can never be inferred from it, any more than equal understanding, agility, vigor or beauty. Equal laws are all that ever can be derived from human equality. " In every state God has implanted inequalities which no legislator can erase. No two objects are perfectly alike; no two creatures are perfectly equal. "The people in all nations are naturally divided into two sorts, the gentlemen and the simple men, a word which is here chosen to signify the common people. " The factors which cause this division of society are essentially threefold-inequality of wealth, inequality of birth, and inequality of merit. By virtue of these factors are the few separated from the many, the natural aristocracy from the common people. The basis of a natural aristocracy rests upon the possession of influence. " By aristocracy, I understand all those men who can command, influence or procure more than an average of votes; by an aristocrat, every man who can and will influence one man to vote besides himself. "


答案 人本质上具有社会性,因此人的存在必然也具有社会性,在确定了这两点之后,亚当斯进一步分析了社会的本质。所有人的本性都是相同的,据此可以得出,所有人都拥有平等的权利和义务。“但是这并不意味着所有人都拥有同等的理解力、敏捷度、精力或者美貌,也不意味着所有人都级别平等,财产相当。人人平等只意味着法律面前人人平等”。在每个方面上帝都制造了不平等,立法者是不可能消除的。没有两个物体是完全相似的;没有两个生物是完全平等的。“在所有国家,人可以自然地分为两类,高贵的人和一般的人,‘一般的人’在这里是指普通人”。造成这种社会分类的原因主要有三个方面——财富的不平等、出身的不平等以及能力的不平等。由于这些原因,少数一些人从大多数人中分离出来,世袭的贵族从普通民众中分离出来。而世袭的贵族是以其所拥有的影响力的大小为基础的。

解析 1.第一句中的Having established the(social)nature of man and the consequent necessity for socialexistence是现在分词短语作状语,最好把其中的两个名词性短语拆出来先翻译,翻译成汉语短句“人本质上具有社会性,因此人的存在必然也具有社会性,在确定了这两点之后……”。如果不这样处理,按照原文顺序翻,则译后的句子很长,不符合汉语的表达习惯。
2.第二句中的equal rights and duties在此应该增译,翻译成“所有人都拥有平等的权利和义务”,否则意思表达不完整。同样,下文中的equal ranks and equal property,equalunderstanding,agility,vigor or beauty也应该这样处理,翻译时增加“所有人都拥有……”。
3.第三句中的…can never be…,any more than…结构,意思是“……并不能……,……也不能……”。
4.第四句中的Equal laws,不能按照字面直接翻译成“平等的法律”,其意思实际上是“法律面前人人平等”。
6.第九句中的natural aristocracy,natural在此意思是“天生的,生而具有的,天赋的”,可以翻译成“世袭的(贵族)”。
