家庭暴力应引起关注 中国目前的《婚姻法》允许挨打的妻子打110报警,这是一个很大的进步。难办的是维系夫妻的绝不仅仅是感情,有人只为孩子、为了体面、为怕有更凄惨的下场而忍气吞声,如果出于此种原因,那么再坚强的女权主义者也是无奈的。 法律专家认

admin2019-07-04  59

问题     家庭暴力应引起关注


答案Family Violence to Arouse Concern According to Chinese present Law of Marriage, the wives who have been beaten by their husbands can report to the police by dialing the emergency number 110, which is a great step forward. However, what gets in the way is that love alone does not hold the husband and the wife together. Some of the beaten wives suffer the humiliation in silence for fear of the effect on their children, the loss of face and of more wretched fate. If it is for such reasons, the feminists, however adamant, can do nothing about it. Legal experts hold that concern should be given to "violence threats" such as the intimidating remarks like " I’ 11 kill you dare you divorce me" to their wives. According to the definition of " violence against women" in Declaration on the Elimination Violence against Women issued by the U-nited Nations, such intimidation is also an exercise of violence, which should be interfered by the law. In foreign countries, the person of such intimidating remarks will be taken away or warned and educated if the policemen receive the report of this kind. Anyway, it is necessary for the society to perfect the laws in this respect so that family violence is not free from restriction as a " family chore.

