①刚刚过去的一年,面对复杂严峻的国内外环境,我国经济社会发展取得了显著成就,一批具有标志性意义的重大科技成果涌现,不少达到国际先进水平。 ②当前,世界新一轮科技革命和产业变革孕育兴起,抢占未来制高点的国际竞争日趋激烈。③我国经济结构深度调整、新旧动

admin2022-09-09  34

问题     ①刚刚过去的一年,面对复杂严峻的国内外环境,我国经济社会发展取得了显著成就,一批具有标志性意义的重大科技成果涌现,不少达到国际先进水平。


答案 ①Last year, China made notable strides in economic and social development despite complex and grim internal and external environment. Significant breakthroughs were made in science and technology, many of which reached an internationally advanced level. ②A new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is in the making, further sharpening international competition to stay ahead of the curve. ③China has entered a new phase of economic development featuring deep structural adjustments and renewal of driving forces. Only through innovation can China sustain the strong momentum of development. More than ever, the powerful force of science, technology and innovation is called for. ④We must put innovation at the center of development and follow the new vision on development. Specifically, we will focus on supply-side structural reform, deepen the implementation of innovation-driven development, and transform traditional drivers of growth while fostering new ones, with a view to maintaining a medium-high rate of growth and reaching a medium-high level of development. ⑤We must strengthen basic research and original innovation, give full play to the central role of scientific research institutes and universities, and develop long-term and stable supporting mechanisms for researchers engaged in these areas to delve deep into their areas of endeavor. It is by no means easy for them to work quietly and thanklessly for long years. Yet their efforts will be adequately rewarded once the breakthrough comes.

解析     1.①句一句成段,主要是对刚过去一年所取得的成果的总结,其中,前两个分句属于概括性的陈述,而后两句谈论的“科技成果涌现”可以看作是其中一个突出的例子,属于细节描述。英文不喜长句,翻译时可考虑将总述与例子拆分成两个独立的句子,避免冗长。
    2.②句“变革孕育兴起”中的“孕育”与“兴起”是同义词,在翻译时可只保留其一,译作is in the making。
    3.③句有两种不同的句式——“只有……才……”和“比……更……”,可以分别处理为“Only through…can…”和“More than ever,…”结构。这两个分句不需要按照原文的语序译于同一句话中,可在翻译时进行拆分,单独成句。
    4.⑤句翻译难点为成语“十年不鸣,一鸣惊人”,在翻译时可选择意泽,把成语背后隐藏的意思详细阐述出来,译作It is by no means easy for them to work quietly and thanklessly for long years. Yet their efforts will be adequately rewarded once the breakthrough comes.
