From the passage we learn that ______. The sentence "This is no flash in the pan" (Line 5, Paragraph 3) means that ______.

admin2008-12-26  49

问题 From the passage we learn that ______.
The sentence "This is no flash in the pan" (Line 5, Paragraph 3) means that ______.

选项 A、the low inflation rate will last for some time
B、the inflation rate will soon rise
C、the inflation will disappear quickly
D、there is no inflation at present


解析 短文第三段告诉我们,美国这样低的通货膨胀率是经济学家始料不及的。在英国和日本,也比去年预测的低半个百分点。本段最后又提到:英、美两国过去两年间的通货膨胀率一直比预计的要低。而选项There is no flash in the pan这一成语的意思是"这种情况不是昙花一现",它与选项"低通货膨胀率将持续一段时间"的意思最接近,故为正确答案。
