
admin2019-04-11  88

问题      “蜀国多仙山,峨眉邈难匹。”中国唐代大诗人李白对峨眉山的咏叹,至今仍穿越时空,余音袅袅。峨眉山高出五岳、秀甲天下,山势雄伟、气象万千,素有“一山有四季,十里不同天”之妙喻。集自然风光与佛教文化为一体,著名的旅游胜地和佛教名山,1996年12月6日列入《世界文化与自然遗产名录》。


答案 "Of the numerous immortal mountains in the land of Shu, Mount Emei stands above all. " This admiration of Li Bai, the great poet of China’s Tang Dynasty, remains with us even after a millennium has erased countless memories. Higher than any of the five great mountains of China, the awe-inspiring, majestic and picturesque Mount Emei is the perfect place to experience all four seasons in one day. Because of its natural beauty and Buddhist cultural heritage, Mount Emei, a tourist destination and a noteworthy Buddhist mountain, was listed as one of UNESCO’s World Natural and Cultural Heritage sites on Dec. 6, 1996. Hailed as "The Immortal Mountains of the Buddha’s Land" "A Botanical Garden" "A Paradise for Wildlife" and "A Geological Museum", Emei, with its natural beauty, centuries-old Buddhist heritage, abundant plant and wildlife, and a unique geological landscape, has attracted endless streams of pilgrims and tourists for thousands of years. Once you come to Emei, you will want to stay.

解析 本文选自峨眉山市对外宣传的城市推广文《因为这座山,爱上这座城——峨眉好自在》,目的是吸引更多的游客到这里参观游览,主要为对峨眉山的整体介绍,其中引经据典,充满溢美之词,文字与其描述的意境皆美不胜收,翻译时要注意遣词造句,突出原文中的美感,同时也要用引人入胜的语言达到令读者想要亲自一探其究竟的效果。
