何妨把念书和读书来一个新意义划分,就像区别旅游和旅行那样。时人流行旅游,淡泊旅行。教育这回事,当今兴的也是念书,不是读书。 到学校生活,像打一场仗,参与者身上装的,是各种掠夺分数的锦囊。考关一过,不管分数到手与否,一律把生吞活剥的知识忘掉。这种心态

admin2019-03-19  92

问题     何妨把念书和读书来一个新意义划分,就像区别旅游和旅行那样。时人流行旅游,淡泊旅行。教育这回事,当今兴的也是念书,不是读书。


答案 We may as well mark out the difference between two ways of reading expressed in synonyms which can be used interchangeably in Chinese. Here I’d like to interpret one as mechanical reading and the other as intelligent reading. In a like manner we can distinguish touring with traveling. The former is preferred to the latter so far as today’s fashion goes. In terms of education, it is mechanical reading rather than intelligent reading that is prevailing. School life can be likened to a battle in which all the participants are equipped with bags of schemes to achieve good results in examinations. As soon as the session is over, they throw into oblivion all that they’ve mechanically memorized before they know what grades they are given. This mental state shows clearly that books are meant to be recited, no more no less. The moment their purpose is served they are done away with. Nobody bothers to pay any attention to their contents, let alone digest them. It follows naturally that reading this way won’t lead to anywhere near Paradise even if one has finished a great amount of books. Numerous evidences are there for the asking. Don’t you see how joyful those girls are when they celebrate the end of examinations by throwing away their books? It is the strongest proof that reading is done merely by rote. Also, the popular saying: "A novice chants scriptures—he moves his mouth without troubling his mind. " Nothing else illustrates the point more satisfactorily.

解析     “念书”和“读书”其实是同义词,翻译为英文都为reading,但在本文的语境中作者将其区别为“机械地读书”与“用心地读书”这两种读书方式,因此翻译本句时需要根据文章的具体内容,添加相关的背景信息。
    “像”表示比喻,这里可使用短语be likened to (好比);“锦囊”是指“锦囊妙计”,即装着好计谋的袋子,故译为bags of schemes;“掠夺分数”即得到好成绩,这是身上装有锦囊妙计的目的,故以不定式结构to achieve good results in examinations表目的。
    “成仙得佛”是具有中国特色的词汇,翻译时可采用归化的手法,借西方读者较熟悉的“上帝和天堂”与之相对,因此译为lead to anywhere near Paradise,便于译文读者阅读和理解。
