In many countries, like China and the UK, physical Education (PE) is compulsory in state schools until the age of 16. Every year

admin2021-08-06  25

问题         In many countries, like China and the UK, physical Education (PE) is compulsory in state schools until the age of 16. Every year, however more and more parents believe that their children shouldn’t have to participate in physical activity if they don’t want to and that it is not a conducive educational activity or environment. The followings are opinions from both educators and parents on this issue. Read them carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;
        2. give your comment.
        Gwen Randall, Principal of Millennium Primary School, UK
        Participation in sport promotes health. The effect on self-esteem and well-being as a product of sport can only be experienced by certain children if forced by their schools to first participate. Government is, or should be, concerned with the health of its citizens. Besides, encouraging physical activity in the young through compulsory PE fights child obesity and contributes to forming lifelong habits of exercise. In addition, physical education helps to forge character and the mutual respect required to succeed in an adult environment. Playing team sports builds character and encourages students to work with others, as they would be expected to do in most business or sporting environments. Sport teaches children how to win and lose with good grace and builds a strong school spirit through competition with other institutions. Compulsory physical education is the only means by which all children can be forced to appreciate such advantages.
        Parents David Batty
        Students should be allowed a choice with relation to their school subjects, including physical education. Children know, often from early ages, what they want to do with their life from what subjects they enjoy and those they don’t. Lots of children don’t want to do physical education; it is different from any other lesson—it is about what one does with one’s body. For those not confident about their bodies, why should they be forced to go through the embarrassment and stress of a PE class when they could be spending the time most constructively and happily in a classroom?
        Fiona Haslam
        Sport is a waste of school time and resources. One or two PE lessons a week make very little difference to an individual’s health—but a huge difference to a school’s budget. It creates a whole extra department in schools, wasting a great deal of money and time that could be better spent on academic lessons. It also requires schools buildings to be surrounded by a large amount of land for playing fields, making it prohibitively expensive to build new schools in urban areas. The quality of teaching is low, as students are taught in huge classes. On the other hand, the quality of teaching and of equipment goes up if there are fewer (but keener) students taking the subject.
        Kevin Brennan
        Successful sporting nations realise that sports, like any other specialised subjects, are best taught to selected groups that display both talent and interest in the field—forcing all to compete holds back the able and punishes the less able. The right way to go is to liberate those that don’t want to participate, and allow those that are extremely keen to go to academies that focus their talents more efficiently than a regular school ever could. Furthermore, our children are burdened enough in schools already, especially at the older end of the system, with multiple examinations. PE simply adds, needlessly, to this hectic schedule.


答案 PE Should Be Made Compulsory in Schools Although physical education has been a compulsory curriculum in primary and middle schools in many countries, debate over this policy never ceases, with a broad spectrum of opinions running from enthusiastic praise to severe criticism. Many educators endorse compulsory PE, in that it not only enhances students’ health, but also cultivates multiple qualities that will contribute to their success in future life, such as mutual respect, team spirit and good grace. However, not a few parents air their complaint, denouncing compulsory PE as fetters forced upon children as well as a huge burden to a school’s budget and suggesting that the subject be taught to selected groups. From my perspective, PE should be made compulsory in schools. To begin with, PE is conducive to strengthening students’ physical constitution. Nowadays, due to the giant consumption of junk food and insufficient amount of exercises, more and more youngsters are inflicted with diseases that used to assault older people. Meanwhile, child obesity has become an alarming health issue in many countries. Making PE compulsory is a basic step towards combating these problems. Secondly, instead of adding to the academic burden, PE actually helps to promote learning efficiency. After the hectic study and examinations, physical activities will be a tonic for the exhausted mind. Doing sports is an excellent way to get the nerves eased and the mind refreshed, restoring one to a better condition and thus making the study more efficient. Lastly, physical education contributes to the diversity of school curricula. For most primary and middle schools, the majority of subjects are of an academic nature, mainly focusing on developing students’ minds. To make PE compulsory allows the school curricula to cover both intellectual and physical aspects, which can provide the school kids with a more balanced development. All in all, compulsory PE boasts abounding benefits. Students and parents should learn to appreciate the advantages and enjoy the great fun the subject brings.

解析         材料主要针对“是否将体育课作为中小学的必修课”的问题,分别给出了教育工作者和家长的观点。
        教育工作者支持将体育作为必修课,理由是参加体育运动有助于健康(Participation in sport promotes health)。学生可以在体育课上收获自尊(self-esteem)、健康(well-being)、终身的运动习惯(lifelong habits of exercise)、互相尊重(mutual respect)以及团队协作精神(work with others)。
        家长们则一致反对将体育作为必修课,David和Kevin认为应选择性地(be allowed a choice)为部分学生开设体育课,针对那些有专长和感兴趣的学生,而不应让其他学生遭受尴尬和压力(embarrassment and stress),更不必为繁重的课程增添负担。家长Fiona更是认为体育课更是浪费学校时间和资源。单靠一两节体育课并不能增强学生体质,反而会给学校增加极大的负担(a huge difference to a school’s budget)。
