拍卖行 去年年终,拍卖行经过一年的依法调整,重新焕发出勃勃生机,被国内媒体评为1997年的十大热点行业之一。郑玉祥先生是一位老资格的艺术爱好者,他认为目前拍卖行服务在改善,品种有所增加,品质也有提高。“这些好的转变,主要是在规范过程中拍卖行有序竞争

admin2019-07-04  95

问题     拍卖行


答案 The Auction Trade After a year of readjustment, the auction trade radiated fresh vitality at the end of last year and was appraised by domestic mass media as one of China’ s 10 booming trades in 1997. Zheng Yux-iang is a veteran art lover. According to him, the current service of the auction trade is being improved , variety increased and quality raised. " These desirable changes are mainly the result of orderly competition among various auction houses in the process of standardization," he said. " We are clearly aware that the number of people participating in art transactions through auctions is increasing. " The auction trade also brought vitality to other trades. According to an official from the Ministry of Internal Trade the state has stipulated that bankrupt enterprises will primarily be auctioned off, so that auctions will become an important method for the re-allocation of state assets in the future.

