
admin2017-07-11  97

问题     人类迄今从事的所有科学研究都可以归纳进三个大门类:自然科学,社会科学,人文科学。这个分类是有其合理性的,因为它们分别是针对不同的对象,不但从“共时”(synchronic)的角度去看是如此,从“历时”(diachronic)的角度去看也是如此,这三个门类研究的其实是前后相承的三个“世界”:天地之始,宇宙初辟,一直到第一种动物诞生之前,这个只有矿物和植物的相对静止的世界,就是自然世界;动物的出现带来了有自由活动的个体组成的群体,有了群体就必然有关系需要协调,有信息需要交流,这时就出现了第二世界——社会世界;动物进化到人,出现了人类世界,其与第二世界的区别在于人类有语言和思想。所有的学科都可以归纳进三个大门类里,当然学科间可能会有交叉,有的还可能兼属于三个门类,但不管怎样,它首先有个基本的归属,而这个基本归属必然是所研究对象的本质之所在。


答案 All scientific research that human beings have engaged in so far can be divided into three major types; natural sciences, social sciences and human sciences. Both synchronically and diachronically speaking, this classification is reasonable for they focus on different objects—three successive " worlds" actually: the first world is the relatively static natural world composed of only minerals and plants from the beginning of the world to the emergence of the first animal species; the second is the social world which demands coordination of relations and information exchanges as the emergence of animals gave rise to groups composed of individuals; the third is the human world that appeared after animals evolved into human beings. It is different from the social world for human beings, unlike animals, are endowed with the abilities to speak and think. While all disciplines can be classified into these three major types, there might be some intersection, and some may even belong to all the three types. But classifying every discipline into a certain type defines the nature of its objects of research.

解析     本文选自华东师范大学对外汉语系潘文国教授发表的名为《语言的定义》一文。在介绍语言学应该归属于哪一个学科时,作者将人类所从事的所有科学研究归纳为三大类,并着重从历时的角度阐释了三大类各自的特质。本文属于议论文,语言客观正式,翻译时应格外重视语言的准确性。
