
admin2018-03-25  64

问题    灯笼作为民间传统工艺(craftwork),现在仍受到全国各地的欢迎。灯笼艺术,作为中国珍贵传统文化的一部分,在民间仍被继承(inherit)着。我们可以说灯笼在中国悠久的历史中发挥着巨大而不可替代的作用,它象征着灿烂的中国文化。中国灯笼不但在中国历史上扮演着重要的角色,在国际发明、发展上也做出了巨大的贡献。一些西方国家通过传教士(missionary)活动和对外贸易,掌握了中国灯笼的设计及制作技巧,极大地促进了其社会发展。


答案 Lanterns, the traditional folk craftwork, are still popular all over the country now. The art of lanterns, as a part of the precious traditional Chinese culture, is still inherited among the people. We can say that lanterns played an important and irreplaceable role in Chinese long history, and they also symbolize the brilliant culture of China. Chinese lanterns not only played an important role in Chinese history, but also made great contributions to the international inventions. Some Western countries got the skills of designing and making Chinese lanterns by means of missionaries and foreign trading, which greatly fastened their social development.

解析 1.第一句中,“民间传统工艺”在这里就是指“灯笼”,可以处理为同位语。
2.第二句中,“在民间”这里主要指“人”,译作among the people比较合适。
4.第四句中的“做出了巨大的贡献”译为made great contributions to…。
5.在最后一句中,“通过……”译为by means of…更贴切。
