The World’s Heaviest Drinking Countries People in the UK are among the most prolific drinkers in the world, according to a r

admin2018-08-12  57

问题     The World’s Heaviest Drinking Countries
    People in the UK are among the most prolific drinkers in the world, according to a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO).
    Britons over the age of 15 on average drink 11. 6 litres of pure alcohol a year, according to the "Global status report on alcohol and health 2014".
    The report provides country profiles for alcohol consumption in the 194 WHO member states, looking at the resulting impact on public health and policy responses.
    And it reveals that the harmful use of alcohol causes 3. 3 million deaths a year worldwide.
    Europe is the region with the highest consumption of alcohol per person, making up the entire top 10.
    Belarus takes the top spot, with people on average drinking 17. 5 litres of pure alcohol a year, followed by the Republic of Moldova where the figure is 16. 8 litres.
    Australia and Canada also have high levels of alcohol consumption, with people on average drinking 12. 2 and 10. 2 litres a year respectively.
    In the United States the figure is marginally lower at 9. 2 litres.
    But in northern Africa and the Middle East, the average figure is less than 2.5 litres of alcohol per person, with many countries having figures below one litre.
    The average figure globally is 6. 2 litres of pure alcohol per person per year.
    But as less than half the world population (38. 3 per cent) actually drinks alcohol, this means that those who do drink consume on average 17 litres of pure alcohol annually, the report said.
    The WHO warned that alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing more than 200 diseases, including liver cirrhosis and some cancers.
    Dr. Oleg Chestnov, WHO assistant director-general for non-communicable diseases and mental health, said: " More needs to be done to protect populations from the negative health consequences of alcohol consumption.
    "The report clearly shows that there is no room for complacency when it comes to reducing the harmful use of alcohol. "
    The report also points out that a higher percentage of deaths among men than among women are from alcohol-related causes — 7. 6 percent of men’s deaths and four per cent of women’s deaths — though there is evidence that women may be more vulnerable to some alcohol-related health conditions compared to men.
    Dr. Shekhar Saxena, director for mental health and substance abuse at WHO, said; "We found that worldwide about 16 per cent of drinkers engage in heavy episodic drinking — often referred to as ’binge-drinking’ — which is the most harmful to health.
    "Lower-income groups are more affected by the social and health consequences of alcohol. They often lack quality health care and are less protected by functional family or community networks."
    The report also highlights the need for action by countries including national leadership to develop policies to reduce harmful use of alcohol, national awareness-raising activities and health services to deliver prevention and treatment services, in particular increasing prevention, treatment and care for patients and their families, and supporting initiatives for screening and brief interventions.
    The figures represent the average amount of pure alcohol consumed per capita in each country between 2008 and 2010.


答案 全球饮酒量最多的国家 世界卫生组织公布的一项报告显示,英国人已经跻身全球饮酒量最大的人群。 “2014年饮酒与健康全球状况报告”称,15岁以上的英国人平均每年摄入纯酒精11.6升。 该报告提供了世界卫生组织194个成员国各国的酒精摄入概况,意在研究饮酒对公众健康和政策响应的影响结果。 该报告指出,饮酒的危害在于,每年使全球330万人丧命。 欧洲是人均酒精消耗量最高的地区,报告中名列前十的国家均在欧洲。 其中,白俄罗斯占据榜首,国民年人均摄入纯酒精量为17.5升,紧随其后的是摩尔多瓦共和国,16.8升。 澳大利亚和加拿大的酒精消耗量也很高,分别为每年人均12.2升和10.2升。 在美国,这一数据略低,为9.2升。 但在北非和中东,人均酒精摄入量低于2.5升,这些地区的许多国家甚至低于l升。 全球的平均值为每人每年摄入酒精6.2升。 报道指出,由于全球仅有不到一半的人(38.3%)饮酒,这就意味着饮酒者实际每年平均摄入17升纯酒精。 世界卫生组织发出警告,饮酒会增加200多种疾病的发病几率,包括肝硬化和某些癌症。 世界卫生组织非传染性疾病和心理健康方面的副总干事奥列格-切斯诺夫博士说:“我们需要付出更多努力,来保护人们免受酒精摄入带来的不良健康影响。” “报告清晰地指出,在减少酒精的危害方面决不能掉以轻心。” 报告还指出,男性因饮酒导致的死亡率比女性高,男性为7.6%,女性为4%。但也有证据表明,相比于男性,女性更易因饮酒引发健康问题。 世界卫生组织心理健康和药物滥用中心主任舍哈尔?萨克斯内博士说:“我们发现全球有大约16%的饮酒者偶尔会饮酒过量,人们称之为‘豪饮’,这是最有害健康的。” “低收入群体更易受到酒精造成的社会、健康方面的影响。他们通常没有高质量的医疗保障,而且缺乏家庭和社区网络的功能性保护。。” 这份报告也强调国家包括国家领导,亦需采取行动,应该制定政策来减少酒精的危害,通过全国性的宣传活动来提高民众意识,组织卫生活动来提供预防和治疗服务,尤其要加强预防工作,治疗和关心病人和其家属,同时倡导疾病筛查和短时介入治疗。 这些数据呈现了从2008年到2010年中每个国家的人均纯酒精消耗量。

