WeChat is a free, cross-platform and instant messaging application developed by Tencent. It was first released in January 2011 a

admin2020-08-19  59

问题     WeChat is a free, cross-platform and instant messaging application developed by Tencent. It was first released in January 2011 and was one of the largest standalone messaging apps by monthly active users. As of May 2016, WeChat has over a billion created accounts, 700 million active users, with more than 70 million outside of China (as of December 2015). In 2016, WeChat has currently 864 million active users.
    The app is available on Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone and Symbian phones. Web-based OS X and Windows clients also exist; these however require the user to have the app installed on a supported mobile phone for authentication, and neither message roaming nor "Moments" are provided.
    WeChat provides text messaging, hold-to-talk voice messaging, broadcast (one-to-many) messaging, videoconferencing, videogames, sharing of photographs and videos, and location sharing. It can exchange contacts with people nearby via Bluetooth, as well as provide various features for contacting people at random if desired (if these are open to it), next to integration with social networking services such as those run by Facebook and Tencent QQ. Photographs may also be embellished with filters and captions, and a machine translation service is available.
    In China, users who have provided bank account information may use the app to pay bills, order goods and services, transfer money to other users, and pay in stores if the stores have WeChat payment option. Vetted third parties, known as "official accounts", offer these services by developing lightweight "apps within the app".
    as of: 自……起
    Symbian: 塞班系统
    Moments: 朋友圈
    vetted: 审查过的


答案 微信是腾讯于2011年1月推出的一款跨平台免费即时通信软件,并已凭借巨大的月活跃用户数迈入世界最大独立即时通讯软件的行列。截至2016年5月,创建的微信帐号数超过10亿,活跃用户超过7亿,其中有7千多万为中国的境外用户(截至2015年12月)。2016年,微信拥有8. 64亿活跃用户。 无论是安卓系统手机,还是苹果、黑莓、微软和塞班系统手机,都可使用该软件。此外,还有面向OS X系统和Windows系统用户的网络版,不过这需要用户先在支持该应用的手机上下载APP并完成认证,且不提供消息同步和“朋友圈”服务。 微信提供的服务有:文本信息传送、按住说话语音消息、群发(一对多)消息、视频会议、电子游戏、照片/视讯共享和位置共享。继脸书和腾讯QQ等软件提供融合的社交媒体服务后,微信也提供了该功能。微信用户可通过蓝牙与附近的人交流,也可以通过各种特色服务根据需求随机联系他人(条件是对方开放了权限)。此外,微信还提供了可以滤镜美化和添加文字的拍照服务、机器翻译服务。 在中国,绑定银行账户的用户可使用微信付款、订购物品和服务、向其他用户转账以及在支持微信支付的商店消费。这些服务由经过审查的第三方,也就是所谓的“官方帐号”通过开发的占内存小的“小程序”提供。

解析     第一段是在介绍微信的基本情况,内容紧凑,翻译为中文时,应合译为一句话;“、was one:of the largest…”常译为“是最大的……之一”,这里使用“迈人世界最大……行列”与之表达的含义相同,但遣词造句上更灵活。
    第二段主要是列举微信的功能。hold…to talk指的是“按住说话”,broadcast messaging并不是“广播消息”,而是指“群发消息”。这些需要将英文表意与微信的各项功能进行匹配,切不可拘泥于字面意思。
