
admin2019-07-04  52

问题     展望新世纪初的国内外形势,未来五到十年,是我国经济和社会发展极为重要的时期。世界新科技革命迅猛发展,经济全球化趋势增强,许多国家积极推进产业结构调整,周边国家正在加快发展。国际环境既对我们提出了严峻挑战,也为我们提供了迎头赶上、实现跨越式发展的历史性机遇。从国内看,我们正处在经济结构调整的关键时期,改革处于攻坚阶段,加入世贸组织又会带来一些新的问题。各方面任务十分繁重,许多深层次矛盾需要解决,形势要求我们必须抓住机遇,加快发展。


答案Looking ahead at the situation at home and abroad at the beginning of the 21st century, it can be said that the next five to ten years will be an extremely important period for China’ s economic and social development. The worldwide new scientific and technological revolution is progressing rapidly with great momentum. The economic globalization trend is gaining strength. Many countries are actively restructuring their industries, and our neighboring countries are accelerating their development. This international environment presents a severe challenge and a historic opportunity for us to strive to catch up and achieve development by leaps and bounds. At home, we are at a crucial juncture in economic restructuring, and reform is in a very difficult period. Our entry into the World Trade Organization will bring us a number of new problems. We are facing many arduous tasks. Many deep-seated problems need to be solved. All this requires us to seize the opportunity and accelerate development.

