An equally exciting area for research is to genetically alter crops to get higher yields from soils that are infertile or too ac

admin2016-03-22  55

问题     An equally exciting area for research is to genetically alter crops to get higher yields from soils that are infertile or too acidic, toxic, or saline for varieties now in use. Vast land areas of the earth are either not utilized, or are underutilized for economically important crop production. Marketable yields have been obtained in California with a salt-tolerant research line of barly irrigated with water from Pacific Ocean. This genetic approach to saline crop production has been proven with barley, and is applicable to other crops. Barley grown with seawater was found satisfactory as a feed, and yields were appreciable. This development could be the shape of things to come in genetically opening a vast new, heretofore inaccessible, water resource for crop production. Few regulatory constraints would likely be leveled on this new technology. Genetically controlled plant nutrition will surely play a key role in the future of crop production.
    Genetic resources will continue to be utilized for improvement of the nutritional ( biological) value of food crops. Cereals still dominate the diets of most people. Progress in genetically raising the levels of protein and critically deficient amino acids in cereal grains has been singular.


答案 另一个令人同样兴奋的研究领域是改变作物的基因,从而能在贫瘠、强酸、强碱或有毒性土壤中获得更高产量以满足各种需求。地球上还有广袤的土地未被开采,或是未被用来生产有重要经济价值的作物。在加利福尼亚,一项耐盐性研究基本上完全采用太平洋的海水灌溉作物,却仍取得了可观的市场效益。人们曾使用这种基因方法在盐湖附近种植大麦,同样获得了产量,因此它也适用于其他作物。作为一种粮食作物,使用海水灌溉的大麦并没有什么异样,而且产量可观。这种进步是未来的趋势,通过基因改造从而利用那些巨大的、迄今为止无法使用的水资源获得产量。这项新技术几乎不会受到什么监管约束。在未来的农作物生产中,凭基因控制植物所需养分必将起到关键作用。 基因资源将继续用来提高粮食作物的营养(生理)价值。谷类食品依旧占据着多数人的饮食结构。人们已经在通过基因提高谷粒中的蛋白质和人体必需氨基酸含量上取得显著成效。

