A、He will only be available in the afternoon. B、It’ s not his office hour. C、He doesn’t have time. D、He is too tired after class

admin2013-11-30  29

W: Oh, something in this room is making me headache. I must be allergic to something.
M: Hmm. I wonder what it is.
Q: What does the man want to know?
W: Excuse me, Professor Hill. May I ask you a few questions?
M: Yes, of course. But I’ m sorry I have a class at ten. Why don’ t you call me at office hours? That is 4 to 5 p. m. Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Q: Why can’t Professor Hill answer her question now?

选项 A、He will only be available in the afternoon.
B、It’ s not his office hour.
C、He doesn’t have time.
D、He is too tired after class.


解析 从文中可知Professor Hill十点有课,所以没有时间回答问题,并建议学生office hours(办公时间)时再来。
