University of York biologist Peter Mayhew recently found that global warming might actually increase the number of species on th

admin2014-06-30  23

问题     University of York biologist Peter Mayhew recently found that global warming might actually increase the number of species on the planet, contrary to a previous report that higher temperatures meant fewer life forms—a report that was his own.
    In Mayhew’s initial 2008 study, low biodiversity among marine invertebrates(无脊椎动物)appeared to coincide with warmer temperatures on Earth over the last 520 million years. But Mayhew and his colleagues decided to reexamine their hypothesis, this time using data that were " a fairer sample of the history of life. " With this new collection of material, they found a complete reversal of the relationship between species richness and temperature from what their previous paper argued: the number of different groups present in the fossil record was higher, rather than lower, during "greenhouse phases. "
    Their previous findings rested on an assumption that fossil records can be taken to represent biodiversity changes throughout history. This isn’t necessarily the case, because there are certain periods with higher-quality fossil samples, and some that are much more difficult to sample well. Aware of this bias, Mayhew’s team used data that standardized the number of fossils examined throughout history and accounted for other variables like sea level changes that might influence biodiversity in their new study to see if their old results would hold up.
    Two years later, the results did not. But then why doesn’t life increasingly emerge on Earth as our temperatures get warmer? While the switch may prompt some to assert that climate change is not hazardous to living creatures, Mayhew explained that the timescales in his team’s study are huge—over 500 million years—and therefore inappropriate for the shorter periods that we might look at as humans concerned about global warming. Many global warming concerns are focused on the next century, he said—and the lifetime of a species is typically one to 10 million years.
    " I do worry that these findings will be used by the climate skeptic community to say ’ look, climate warming is fine,’ he said. Not to mention the numerous other things we seem to do to create a storm of threats to biodiversity—think of what habitat(栖息地)destruction, overfishing, and pollution can do for a species’ viability(生存力). Those things, Mayhew explained, give the organisms a far greater challenge in coping with climate change than they would have had in the absence of humans.
    "If we were to relax all these pressures on biodiversity and allow the world to recover over millions of years in a warmer climate, then my prediction is it would be an improvement in biodiversity," he said. So it looks like we need to curb our reckless treatment of the planet first, if we want to eventually see a surge in the number of species on the planet as temperatures get warmer. We don’t have 500 million years to wait.
By "We don’t have 500 million years to wait"(Line 4, Para. 6), the author suggests that______.

选项 A、we have no enough time to allow the earth to recover from damages
B、we have no enough time to witness the evolution of a species
C、it’s urgent for humans to take steps to prevent global warming
D、it’s necessary for humans to stop maltreatment of the planet


解析 语义理解题。本题考查对于句子隐含意义的理解。定位句指出,如果我们最终想看到地球上物种数量随着气温变暖而增加,就需要首先抑制地球上二的鲁莽行为,我们没有5亿年的时问去等待。D)含义与之相符,故为答案。A)“我们没有足够的时间使地球从伤害中恢复过来”、B)“我们没有足够的时间见证物种浏化”,由末段第一句可知,作者说明如果我们不对环境造成很大压力,几百万年也可以提高生物多样性,而不在于时间很长,故排除两者;C)“人们应该立即采取措施防止全球变暖”,文中指出人们首先需要做的是抑制地球上的鲁莽行为,故排除。
