
admin2015-01-09  110

问题     我从小喜欢阅读大人物的传记和回忆录,慢慢归纳出一个公式:凡是大人物都是受苦受难的,他们的生命几乎都是“人生不如意事十之八九”的真实证言,但他们在面对苦难时也都能保持正向的思考,能“常想一二”,最后他们都超越苦难,苦难便化成生命中最肥沃的养料。使我深受感动的不是他们的苦难,因为苦难到处都有,使我感动的是:他们面对苦难时的坚持、乐观和勇气。


答案 I have been keen on reading biographies or memoirs of great souls since childhood and have gradually come to see a rule: all the great people have gone through adversities; their lives can serve as true testaments to the saying that unhappiness accounts for eight or nine tenths of a man’s life. Yet in face of pains and miseries, they can always maintain a positive way of thinking, or in other words, they manage to dwell on "the remaining one or two tenths" until they finally transcend their sufferings and turn them into the richest nutrients for life. What deeply moves and inspires me is not their sufferings, for sufferings are common and omnipresent; it is their perseverance, optimism and courage in the face of sufferings that I find most touching. It turns out that whether one is happy or not is not determined by his experiences but by the flashing moments when he decides how to take them. So I have come to realize that what determines the quality of life is not the eighty or ninety percent characterized by negativities, but the positivity that takes up the other ten or twenty percent.

