A century ago, Progressive-era reformers, shocked by the number of teens trapped in dead-end jobs, launched a remarkable campaig

admin2016-09-27  77

问题 A century ago, Progressive-era reformers, shocked by the number of teens trapped in dead-end jobs, launched a remarkable campaign to help everyone attend high school. For nearly 40 years, America opened a new high school, on average, every day. A high school diploma allowed the children of factory workers and farmers to obtain relatively high-skilled, high-wage jobs, narrowing the wage gap among the social classes and enhancing the growth of the nation’s economy. Today, we face a similar problem at the university level.
Young people increasingly realize that they cannot earn a living wage without going to college. Yet many are woefully unprepared to do so, both because of the inferior education in most low-income communities and because their parents cannot help them through college. So they work extra hours and take on crippling debt loads. About a third of the students at public or private four-year universities and two-thirds of those who enroll in a community college or a for-profit institution do not earn a degree, while accumulating substantial red ink.


答案 一个世纪之前,美国进步时代的改革者们对受困于毫无前途的工作的青少年数量感到震惊,他们发起了一场举世瞩目的运动来帮助每个人接受中学教育。在近40年中,美国平均每天就要建一所中学。有了中学学位,工人和农民家庭的孩子们可以获得有技术含量、薪资较高的工作,也就缩小了各社会阶层之间的收入差距,促进了国家经济发展。如今,我们在大学教育上也面临同样的问题。年轻人逐渐意识到,不上大学的话就养不活自己。但还有许多人就可悲地不准备上大学,一方面是因为大多数低收人群体接受的教育水平都比较低,另一方面因为他们的父母供不起他们上大学。所以他们的工作要加班,还要背负沉重的债务负担。大概三分之一的公立或私立四年制大学的学生以及三分之二的社区大学或营利性机构的学生没有获得学位,造成了大量的教育资源浪费。

