
admin2022-01-17  33

问题     日益严重的土地荒漠化加剧了生态环境恶化,降低了资源的质量和数量,影响了工农业生产和人民生活,对民族团结和社会安定造成严重影响;土地荒漠化已经成为中国中西地区经济社会可持续发展的一大制约,特别是影响西北地区国民经济和社会发展在中国,土地荒漠化的后果是:加剧人地矛盾,缩小人类生存空间。中国每年新增人口约1,400万,沙化土地年均增加3,436平方公里,耕地面积逐年减少,人地矛盾日益突出,大约2. 4万村庄和乡镇遭受土地荒漠化,一些村庄、县城遭受土地沙化的危害,被迫多次搬迁。其次,加剧自然灾害的频率和程度,恶化生态环境,破坏人类生存条件。土地荒漠化是导致中国近期沙尘暴频发,荒漠化地区生物多样性锐减、风蚀以及黄河中下游旱灾频发的主要原因。荒漠化地区的植被急剧减少,许多物种因土地荒漠化濒临灭种。荒漠化加剧了整个生态环境的恶化,水土流失越来越严重,中国每年输入黄河的16亿吨泥沙中,就有12亿吨来自荒漠化地区。


答案 The increasingly serious land desertification results in aggravation of ecological deterioration as well as decline in quality and quantity of resources, exerting influences on industrial and agricultural production, people’s well-being and national unity as well as social stability. Desertification has become one of the biggest limitations to the sustainable economic and social development of China’s central and western regions, especially the economic and social development of the northwestern region. In China, land desertification further leads to intensifying conflicts between people and land and shrinking living space for mankind. The increased population in China numbers around 14 million per year while the expanded desertification area increases by an annual average of 3,436 square kilometers, bringing the area of arable land down year by year. The aggravating conflicts between people and land are demonstrated in the fact that there are around 240,000 villages or towns suffering from land desertification and some of them have been forced to relocate many times because of its damages. Besides, desertification exacerbates the occurrence and degree of natural disasters, deteriorates the environment and damages human beings’ living conditions. Desertification is the main cause of the recent sandstorms that occurred at an increasing rate, the sharp decline of biodiversity as well as corrasion in the affected area, and frequent droughts in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Vegetation coverage in the desertification regions drops sharply and many species therefore become endangered. Desertification also accelerates the deterioration process of the whole environment with soil erosion growing severer. It is said that of the 1.6 billion tons of silt imported into the Yellow River by China every year, 1.2 billion tons come from desertification areas.

解析 1.“降低了资源的质量和数量”,其中“降低”一词对应的英文翻译要能同时修饰“数量”和“质量”,因此此处用decline较为合适。
2.“国民经济”前面的限定词是“地区”,因此不能直译为national economic,此处指的就是“经济”,可直接译为economy。
3.“一大”可理解为“最大/重要(的原因)之一”,译为one of the biggest。
6.阐述“新增人口”和“沙化土地增加”的两个短句可用while进行连接. 进一步彰显人地矛盾的内在关联;而“耕地面积逐年减少”也是沙化土地增加的结果,因此可用一个非谓语结构表示,即bringing…down…。
