A、Because they don’t like it. B、Because they are worried about it. C、Because being armed is foreign to their nature. D、Because t

admin2017-03-20  37

Interviewer(W)         Mr. Fox(M)
Now, listen to Part One of the interview.
W: Well, Mr. Fox, would you please describe your feelings towards criminals?
M:(1)It is true to say there are criminals, certain types of criminals who policemen have...er...I have to be very careful with what I say.
W: Umm.
M: You see, I know a...a person who has been caught so many times that he’s...he’s become part and parcel of the station.
W: Umm. He’s been brought in all the time.
M: He’s always in and he’s a cheerful sort of character. And it’s his way of life. And this sort of people of course...are people that you...well, I say, have an affinity with, that’s not the right word to use, but you have a closeness with, you know.
W: They are part of your work, aren’t they?
M: You know, Old Sam is always in. And you can always guarantee that Old Sam is always in. And you can always guarantee that(2)Old Fred will do something stupid about a week before
Christmas so that he can spend Christmas in a certain prison.
W: Which he likes.
M:(3)Which he likes because he has a good Christmas. Then, of course, you go to the other end of the scale where you have a hard-core minority who are the professional criminals. And of course, one has no sympathy for them.
W: British policemen are not armed, that is they do not carry guns. How do policemen feel about this?
M:(4)I don’t think the average policeman really thinks about it, you know. I honestly think he does not think about it at all. I am sure he did, he would probably be a worried man.
W: Umm.
M:(5)The reason I say this is that the average policemen in this country feels that the average Englishman or Britisher is such a person that the use of arms and that sort of thing is foreign to his nature.
W: Um, he just wouldn’t think of using a pistol or something.
This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. What is the profession of Mr. Fox?
2. Why does Old Fred do something stupid?
3. What can we know about professional criminals?
4. If a British policeman thinks about not bearing arms, what does he probably feel?
5. Why does the interviewee say that the average British policemen don’t really think about not being armed?

选项 A、Because they don’t like it.
B、Because they are worried about it.
C、Because being armed is foreign to their nature.
D、Because they want a reform.


解析 本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(5)可知,受访人认为携带武器不符合英国人的本性,故答案为[C]。
