1. 目前在中国,校园安全事故时有发生 2.这种现象造成了恶劣的影响 3.应该如何杜绝这种现象

admin2010-12-04  54

问题    1. 目前在中国,校园安全事故时有发生


答案 On Campus Security ①Have you ever heard of the phenomenon that accidents concerning campus security frequently occur in ,some primary schools? ②It is this issue that has shocked the public and sparked a heated discussion. ③This phenomenon can impose a quite negative impact on the individual as well as the whole society. ④First of all, the cruel scene has made many passers-by panic, not to mention the intense grief suffered by the relatives of the young victims. ⑤Besides, phenomena of this sort will definitely pose a threat to the stability and security of the whole society. ⑥Some people even lose their confidence in leading a secure and happy life. ⑦ From my personal perspective, several counter-measures can be taken. ⑧ For one things, relevant authorities are to make sure that some equipment is available in case of emergencies. ⑨ For another, activities are to be launched to enhance the safety awareness of the pupils as well as their parents. ⑩ Only in this way can we finally get rid of this kind of phenomena.

解析 ①采用疑问句的形式提出校园安全事件屡屡发生的社会现象。
③第二段的主旨句:该现象对个人及社会产生负面影响;impose…impact on是高分词组。
④指出第一个影响:引起恐慌,带来痛苦;其中 not to mention是一个高分结构,suffered by…是过去分词作后置定语。
⑤引出第二个负面影响:威胁社会安全与稳定;其中pose a threat to是高分词组。
⑥对上句做进一步解释说明,lose confidence in是高分词组。
It is this issue that has shocked the public and sparked a heated discussion.
a. This issue has drawn the public’s attention, which has stimulated a heated debate.
b. This issue has raised the public’s concerns and stirred up an intense debate.
For one things, relevant authorities are to make sure that some equipment is available in case of emergencies.
a. To begin with, relevant authorities are expected to make some equipment available for fear of emergencies.
b. On one hand, relevant authorities are supposed to prepare some equipment available for emergencies.
