
admin2013-05-19  48

问题     所有制结构进一步调整和完善。公有制经济在调整和改革中发展壮大,探索公有制多种实现形式取得成效。国有经济结构调整步伐加快,控制力和竞争力明显增强。国有企业三年改革与脱困目标基本实现。大多数国有大中型骨干企业初步建立现代企业制度,涌现出一批有实力、有活力和有竞争力的优势企业。国有中小企业进一步放开搞活。垄断行业管理体制改革迈出实质性步伐。城乡集体经济得到新的发展。股份制经济不断扩大。个体、私营等非公有制经济,较快发展,在发展经济、增加就业、活跃市场、扩大出口方面发挥了重要作用。


答案 The ownership structure was further readjusted and improved. The public sector of the economy grew stronger in the course of readjustment and reform, and efforts to diversify ways of realizing public ownership were successful. The state sector of the economy went through accelerated restructuring, and markedly enhanced its dominance and competitiveness. The objective of turning state-owned enterprises around within three years was basically attained. Most medium and large-sized key state-owned enterprises attained by and large the goal of establishing the modern corporate system, and a number of dynamic and competitive enterprises have come to the fore. Further progress was made in opening up and revitalizing small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises. Substantive progress was made in restructuring the management system of monopoly industries. Collective economy in urban and rural areas made new headway. The joint-stock company sector of the economy expanded continuously. Individual-owned businesses, private enterprises and other non-public sector of the economy developed fairly fast and played an important role in stimulating economic growth, creating more jobs, invigorating the market and expanding exports.

解析     本篇节选自朱镕基总理2003年3月所做的政府工作报告。翻译应遵循忠实于原文的原则,做到简洁、准确。对于相关的专业术语的翻译,宜采用通用的译法,不宜自己生造。
所有制结构进一步调整和完善:  “调整”按字面意思可译为“adjust”或“regulate”,但通过上下文,  “调整”的实际意思是“重新调整”,因此译为“readjust”。比如,  “调整领导班子”可泽为“readjust the leading bodies”;  “调整投资结构”可译为“readjust the investment pattern”。
涌现出一批有实力、有活力和有竞争力的优势企业:  “涌现”可以译为“emerge in large numbers”,“spring up”,“come to the fore”。其中“come to the fore”有“成为突出的或重要的”意思,切合文章的意思。比如,  “After the election several new Members of Parliament came to the fore.(大选后有几位新议员脱颖而出)”。
国有中小企业……非公有制经济发展:  “城乡集体经济”可译为“collective economy in urban and rural areas”;  “国有企业”可译为“state—owned enterprises”;  “股份制经济”可译为“joint—stock company sector of the economy”;  “个体、私营经济”可译为“individual-owned business,private enterprises”。
