Determining the most effective way to deter deliberate crimes, such as fraud, as opposed to impulsive crimes, such as crimes of

admin2016-10-15  13

问题     Determining the most effective way to deter deliberate crimes, such as fraud, as opposed to impulsive crimes, such as crimes of passion, is a problem currently being debated in the legal community. On one side of the debate aye those scholars who believe that deliberate crimes are a product of the influence of societal norms and institutions on individuals. These scholars suggest that changing people’s beliefs about crime, increasing the access of the most economically alienated individuals to economic institutions, and rehabilitating those convicted of this type of crime will reduce the crime rate. On the other side are those legal scholars who believe that the decision to commit a deliberate crime is primarily the result of individual choice. They suggest that increasing the fines and penalties associated with criminal activity, along with efficacious law enforcement is the best deterrence method. However, some recent legal scholarship has changed the nature of this debate by introducing an economic principle that shows that these two positions, far from being antithetical, are surprisingly complementary.
    The economic principle that reconciles the two positions is that of utility maximization, which holds that, given a choice of actions, rational individuals will choose the action that maximizes their anticipated overall satisfaction, or expected utility. The expected utility of an action is ascertained by determining the utilities of the possible outcomes of that action, weighing them according to the likelihood of each outcome’s coming to pass, and then adding up those weighted utilities. Using this economic framework, an individual’s decision to commit a crime can be analyzed as a rational economic choice.
    According to the utility maximization principle a person who responds rationally to economic incentives or disincentives will commit a crime if the expected utility from doing so, given the chance of getting caught, exceeds the expected utility from activity that is lawful. Within this framework the two crime-deterrence methods have the same overall effect. For instance, the recommendations on one side of the crime deterrence debate to increase penalties for crimes and strengthen law enforcement result in an increased likelihood of detection and punishment and impose an increased cost to the individual if detected and punished. This lowers the expected utility from criminal activity, thereby making a person less likely to choose to commit a deliberate crime. The recommendations on the other side of the debate, such as increasing the economic opportunities of individuals most alienated from economic institutions, also affect the utility equation. All else being equal, these types of policies will effectively increase the expected utility from lawful activity. This economic analysis demonstrates that the two positions are not fundamentally in conflict and that the optimal approach to crime deterrence would include elements of both deterrence strategies.
According to the passage, the relations between the two positions in the debate are______.

选项 A、antithetical


解析 本题考查考生对文章所述关于蓄意犯罪的两种看法在引用了效用最大化原理以后相互之间关系的理解。文章第一段详述了关于蓄意犯罪辩论双方所持的两种不同的观点,这两种观点看似不同,侧重点也不一样,但是作者却说(第一段第一句)“这两种立场,远不是对立的,而是出奇的互补。”接着在第二段作者解释了效用最大化原理,在第三段作者用效用最大化原理解释关于蓄意犯罪的两种观点,最后再次得出结论:这个经济分析表明,这两种观点根本上是不冲突的,最佳的犯罪遏阻包括这两种遏阻策略的成分。因此,这二者之间的关系是互补的,即[C]选项。[A][B][D]都不是在效用最大化经济原理作用下这二者之间的关系,均不正确。
