如今,在线教育因其“快速”“便捷”“内容多样”等特点备受家长和孩子们的欢迎。在线教育正在如火如荼地发展,目前最流行的教育产品形态是直播(live streaming)。在线教育发展到如今,课堂形式早已不是冰冷死板(rigid)的“老师讲,学生听”的单向输出

admin2022-10-27  64

问题 如今,在线教育因其“快速”“便捷”“内容多样”等特点备受家长和孩子们的欢迎。在线教育正在如火如荼地发展,目前最流行的教育产品形态是直播(live streaming)。在线教育发展到如今,课堂形式早已不是冰冷死板(rigid)的“老师讲,学生听”的单向输出,各种多样化的学习方式使课堂活跃,不输线下课堂中面对面的沟通交流。老师们可以根据教学节奏和课堂状况,适时发出互动邀请,从而最大程度地调动学生们的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。


答案Today, online education is popular with parents and children because of its quickness, convenience and diverse content. Online education is in full swing, and the most popular form of educational products now is live streaming. Nowadays, with the development of online education, the class has come a long way from being a one-way activity in which the teacher gives the talk while the students are listening, which is cold and rigid. Various diversified learning methods make the classroom active and are no less effective than face-to-face communication in the offline classroom. Teachers can invite students to interactive classroom activities in a timely manner according to the teaching rhythm and classroom situation, so as to maximize students’ enthusiasm for the class and create an active classroom atmosphere.

解析 1. 翻译第一句时应注意语序问题。可将本句汉语中的“先因后果”语序转换成英文中的“先果后因”语序,即译为“主干(online education is popular with parents and children)+原因状语(because of its quickness. convenience and diverse content)”的形式,这样更符合英文的表达习惯。原文中的三个并列短语“快速…‘便捷”和“内容多样”可译作三个并列的名词结构,作because of的宾语。
2. 第二句中,“正在如火如荼地发展”可用is in full swing来表达。该短语原意为“进入最高层次,(活动或进程)达到高潮”,与此处语境相符。
3. 第三句较长,为使句子层次更清晰,译成英文时可根据句意拆译成两句。翻译前半句时,注意句意的内在逻辑,可将“课堂形式早已不是……单向输出”译为主干,“在线教育发展到如今”可理解为“如今,随着在线教育的发展”,译作“时间状语+with引导的伴随状语”的结构。其中,“早已不是”可用短语come along way from来表达;“老师讲,学生听”可处理为定语从句,此处先行词为activity,引导词在从句中作地点状语,故引导词应用in which。
4. 第三句后半句中的“不输”在此处要表达的意思是在线教育课堂的效果并不比线下课堂的效果差,故可以用“…are no less effective than…”来表达。
5. 第四句中,“适时”可用in a timely manner来表达;根据语境,“发出互动邀请”是“邀请学生参与课堂互动活动”的意思,可用invite students to interactive classroom activities或invite students to take part in/participate in interactive classroom activities来表达;“从而”可译为so as to;翻译“最大程度地调动学生们的积极性”和“活跃课堂气氛”时,可采用词类转译法分别译为maximize students’ enthusiasm for the class和create an active classroom atmosphere。
