A、Ambitious. B、Considerate. C、Generous. D、Sensitive. D根据句(5)可知,特雷西认为她的老板体贴慷慨、有进取心和抱负,并没有提到敏感,因此答案为[D]。

admin2018-04-10  22

M: Hi, Tracy! It’s so fine to have you here. What are you doing recently?
W: Hi, Jack. Well, I was busy dealing with my interview. You see, it’s not so easy to get an opportunity for a promotion.
M: Right. How did your interview go?
W: Pretty well. I don’t know if I’ll get the promotion or not, but I feel good about it.
M: Congratulations in advance. If you get the promotion, what will your new title be?
W: (1) If I get the promotion, I will be a senior engineer instead of an assistant engineer.
M: Will you get a pay raise too?
W: I hope so. Whenever you are given added responsibilities, you should get a promotion.
M: That makes sense. Who interviewed you?
W: My boss.
M: What kind of questions did she ask you?
W: (2) She asked me about my ability to work in a team and what I thought a good boss should be.
M: The second one sounds rather difficult to answer. What did you tell her?
W: (3) I told her that I’m an excellent team player and that a good boss should treat male and female employees equally.
M: Those are good answers. How did she react?
W: She told me that even when I become a senior engineer, I’ll have to work with the assistant engineers as a team.
M: She’s a tactical leader, I think. What do you think about her as a boss?
W: (4-1) She’s pretty easy to get along with. She listens to her employees and treats everyone equally. (4-2/5) She is considerate and generous. But sometimes she’s also aggressive and ambitious too. It’s rare for one to be such a perfect combination. And I think she’s a born boss, and a successful example for me to follow.
M: You’re lucky. Not everyone has such a great boss!
W: That’s true. She’s highly esteemed among everyone at my company.
M: When you find out if you get the promotion or not, let me know.
W: I will do. What about you? How is everything going?
M: Oh, God! It’s really a disaster. I’ve just made a serious mistake, and I’m on the edge of unemployment.
This is the end of Part One of the conversation. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. What is the current title of Tracy?
2. What question was Tracy asked in the interview?
3. According to Tracy, what should a good boss do?
4. What does Tracy think of her boss?
5. Which of the following qualities is NOT mentioned by Tracy about her boss?

选项 A、Ambitious.


解析 根据句(5)可知,特雷西认为她的老板体贴慷慨、有进取心和抱负,并没有提到敏感,因此答案为[D]。
