老子是中国伟大的哲学家和思想家,是道家学派(Taoist school)创始人。其思想的核心是朴素的辩证法(dialectics)。在政治上,他主张无为而治、不言之教。在理论上,他秉持物极必反的道理。在修身方面,老子认为人们应该虚心实腹、与世无争。这种思想

admin2022-08-27  59

问题 老子是中国伟大的哲学家和思想家,是道家学派(Taoist school)创始人。其思想的核心是朴素的辩证法(dialectics)。在政治上,他主张无为而治、不言之教。在理论上,他秉持物极必反的道理。在修身方面,老子认为人们应该虚心实腹、与世无争。这种思想的高明之处在于,虽然主观上不以取得利益为目的,客观上却可以更好地实现利益。他的思想不但对中国古代思想文化的发展作出了重要贡献,而且对中国2000多年来思想文化的发展产生了深远的影响。


答案Laozi is a great Chinese philosopher and thinker, and the founder of Taoist school, the core of whose thought is simple dialectics. Politically, Laozi advocated governing without interfering the natural rules and preaching the doctrine without words. In terms of theory, he adheres to the principle that things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. In the aspect of self-cultivation, Laozi thought that people should be modest and honest and stand aloof from worldly success. The brilliance of this kind of thought lies in that, although it does not aim at obtaining interests subjectively, it can realize benefits better objectively. His thought not only has made an important contribution to the development of ancient Chinese thought and culture, but also has had a profound influence on the advancement of Chinese thought and culture over 2000 years.

解析 1. 第一句中文过长,要按照中文的意群进行适当的划分。前面的两个分句是在介绍老子的身份,后面的分句则介绍其核心思想,可以译成两个独立的句子,或者像参考译文那样,将第三个分句处理为定语从句。“哲学家和思想家”可译为philosopher and thinker;“核心”可以使用core表达。
2. 第二至四句的句子结构相同,讲述了老子在不同方面的主张。“在……方面”可以用副词表示,或者翻译成“In…”和“In terms of…”,也可以翻译成“In the aspect of…”;“无为而治”可以翻译成govern without interfering the natural rules或govern by doing nothing against nature;“秉持”可以使用adhere to表达;“物极必反的道理”可以译成同位语结构的句子。
3. 第五句中文过长,要按照中文的意群进行适当的划分。前面的分句可以作为主句。后面的句子译成从属部分。“在于”可以使用短语lie in或consist in;“虽然……却……”可以翻译为“Although…”或“…but…”的句子结构。
4. 翻译第六句时,考生要注意避免重复。“作出了重要贡献”可译为“has made an important contribution to…”;“产生了深远的影响”可译为“has had a profound influence on…”或“has exerted a profound influence on…”。
