交流促进发展。一个国家、一个民族,只要不是由于主观和客观的种种原因而长期处于孤立、闭塞的状态之中,或多或少都可以从交流中得到好处。 事实上,在现代国家中,绝对不受外来影响的固有文化是不存在的。一位美国的著名历史学家曾经写道:“任何国家的文明,来自外

admin2021-02-24  12

问题     交流促进发展。一个国家、一个民族,只要不是由于主观和客观的种种原因而长期处于孤立、闭塞的状态之中,或多或少都可以从交流中得到好处。


答案 Exchange promotes development. Any country or nation can more or less benefit from exchange if it does not isolate itself from or shut its doors to the outside world for any reasons, subjective or objective. In fact, there is not any native civilization on earth that does not bear traces of external influences. A noted American historian once wrote: "The civilization of any country is much more the product of external influences than of native invention. If one subtracted everything from the English culture that had foreign roots or antecedents, there would be little left."

解析 背景介绍
-  一个国家、一个民族,只要……可以从交流中得到好处:此句是典型的中文长句,在翻译时应在语序上做相应调整或断句处理。该句可译为:Any country or nation can more or less benefit from exchange if it does not isolate itself from or shut its doors to the outside world for any reasons,subjective or objective.
-  绝对不受外来影响的固有文化是不存在的:这是一句双重否定结构的强调句,译文中也可用双重否定的结构;此句中的部分词语可采用意译的方法,如“在现代国家中”可译成“on earth”、“固有文化”意为“本土文化”,译成“native civilization”更符合英语强调句的习惯。译者要充分挖掘“受外来影响”文字背后的含义,即“外来文化留下蛛丝马迹”,可译成“bear traces of external influences”。因此,该句可译为In fact,there is not any native civilization on earth that does not bear traces of external influences.
