单纯利用水的流动来计时有许多不便,人们逐渐发明了利用水做动力,以驱动机械结构来计时。公元前117年,东汉的张衡制造了大型天文计时仪器——水运浑天仪(the Water-driven Celestial Globe),初步具备了机械性计时器的作用。随后历代都

admin2020-01-19  115

问题     单纯利用水的流动来计时有许多不便,人们逐渐发明了利用水做动力,以驱动机械结构来计时。公元前117年,东汉的张衡制造了大型天文计时仪器——水运浑天仪(the Water-driven Celestial Globe),初步具备了机械性计时器的作用。随后历代都相继制作了附设有计时装置的仪器,其中宋代的苏颂制造的水运仪象台(the Water-driven Celestial Observatory),把机械计时装置的发展推到一个新的高峰。该水运仪象台的计时机械部分还可以按时刻使木偶出来击鼓报刻,摇铃报时等。


答案 Measuring time by the flow of water has disadvantages. By and by, people invented time-measuring devices with water as the driving force for its mechanical system. In 117 BC, Zhang Heng manufactured the Water-driven Celestial Globe, a large, astronomical, time-measuring apparatus that had the primitive function of a mechanical time measurer. Through the later dynasties, many apparatus with attached time-measuring devices were produced. In the Song Dynasty (AD 960—1279), Su Song’s Water-driven Celestial Observatory marked a new height of mechanical time-measuring instruments. The time-measuring mechanism had wooden puppets to beat a drum to announce a quarter, to ring a hand-bell to tell time every other hour and so on. These mixtures of astronomical instruments and time-measuring devices cannot be seen as independent time measurers. By the 1360s, China’s mechanical time-measuring devices had been separated from astronomical instruments and became independent. They not only had drive systems with gears, but escapements as well. If the Chinese people had made one more step, they would have produced clocks in the contemporary sense. Unfortunately, China failed to do this, and ultimately had to introduce mechanical clocks from the West. —Excerpts from Chinese Culture, 2000 (1)

