In today’s interconnected world, culture’s power to transform societies is clear. Its diverse manifestations - from our cherishe

admin2022-06-17  24

问题     In today’s interconnected world, culture’s power to transform societies is clear. Its diverse manifestations - from our cherished historic monuments and museums to traditional practices and contemporary art forms - enrich our everyday lives in countless ways. Heritage constitutes a source of identity and cohesion for communities disrupted by bewildering change and economic instability. Creativity contributes to building open, inclusive and pluralistic societies. Both heritage and creativity lay the foundations for vibrant, innovative and prosperous knowledge societies.
    Culture is who we are and what shapes our identity. In September 2015 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the sustainable goals. UNESCO ensures that the role of culture is recognized through a majority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those focusing on quality education, sustainable cities, the environment, economic growth, sustainable consumption and production patterns, peaceful and inclusive societies, gender equality and food security.
    No development can be sustainable without a strong culture component. Indeed only a human-centered approach to development based on mutual respect and open dialogue among cultures can lead to lasting, inclusive and equitable results. Yet until recently, culture has been missing from the development strategy.
    To ensure that culture takes its rightful place in development strategies and processes, UNESCO has adopted an approach: it spearheads worldwide advocacy for culture and development, while engaging with the international community to set clear policies and legal frameworks and working on the ground to support governments and local stakeholders to safeguard heritage, strengthen creative industries and encourage cultural pluralism.
    Today, creativity is emerging as one of the most promising ways for changing how we see cities. Whether by revitalizing the local economy, rethinking transport or housing policies, reclaiming urban spaces, or opening up new horizons for young people, creativity is one of the driving forces behind urban policies and initiatives. Cities worldwide are focusing their attention on the cultural and creative industries as an inspiration for their future. This vision is promoted by elected representatives and city policy-makers, who see it as a strategic lever for innovation when it comes to tackling contemporary urban issues, whether on an economic, social or environmental front. More importantly, however, it is a vision shared by professionals and citizens, who are taking action in their own neighborhoods and communities to build more sustainable and more human cities.
    This vision of creative urban governance is the driving force behind the UNESCO Creative Cities Programme and Network. Since its creation in 2004, the Network has established itself as a strategic platform for promoting and sharing this new approach to sustainable cities. Through its standard-setting and operational actions, UNESCO has paved the way for demonstrating the essential role of creativity in urban sustainability, assisting national and local authorities and advocating this vision at an international level.
    Culture and creativity play a key role in sustainable urban development. They contribute to diversifying the economy and generating jobs but they also enhance the quality of life of citizens by participating to a city’s social structure and cultural diversity.


答案 在当今这个彼此紧密关联的世界,文化对社会的改造力度有目共睹。从我们珍视的历史遗迹与博物馆,到形形色色的传统习俗与当代艺术形式,文化的表现形式丰富多样,其以各种各样的方式,将我们的日常生活装点地多姿多彩。文化的承袭问题因此就成为了身份认同与社区凝聚力的源头,但同时,又因为受到种种令人困惑的变化以及来自经济的动荡不安,从而使得文化的承袭遭受震荡。所以,文化创意有助于建设一个兼容并包与允许多元化存在的社会。文化承袭与文化创意一道,为营造一个活力满满、不断创新与繁荣兴旺的知识型社会奠定了牢固的基石。 文化阐释了我们是谁的问题,并塑造了我们的身份认同。于2015年9月,联合国大会通过了可持续发展目标。联合国教科文组织确保通过大量涵盖了诸如:重视素质教育、可持续城市、环境、经济增长、可持续消费与生产模式、和平与包容的社会、两性平等与食品安全等在内的可持续发展目标,以肯定文化的积极作用。 缺乏强而有力的文化要素,任何发展都将难以为继。事实上,只有采取以人为本,以文化间的相互尊重与开放对话为基础的发展路线,才可能取得可靠持久、兼容并包与公平的良好结果。然而,之前的发展战略却缺席了文化的身影。 为了确保文化在发展战略与进程当中应有的地位,联合国教科文组织采取了这样的一种工作方法即:牵头在世界范围内开展宣传,倡导文化与发展,与国际社会通力合作,制定明确的政策并构建法律框架。从基层做起,支持政府与本地利益相关方守护文化遗产、加强创意产业,鼓励文化的多元主义。 当今,创意正成为变革人们对城市看法的最寄予厚望的途径之一。无论是振兴当地经济、反思交通或住房政策、开拓城市空间,还是为年轻人开辟新视野,文化创意都是城市制定政策与采取举措的一大推动力。世界各地的城市都无不将其注意力凝聚至文化与创意产业上,并以此作为未来的灵感来源。各地当选代表与城市决策者也纷纷对这一愿景持赞同态度,在战略层面上,将创意视为解决经济、社会与环境等当代城市问题的创新之道。然而,更为重要地是,这是专业人士与普通市民的共同愿景,他们从自我所在的社区与街道开始做起,一道携手共建更加可持续与更为人性化的城市。 创新城市管理的这一愿景推动着联合国教科文组织创意城市网络一往无前,自2004年创立伊始,创意城市网络已成为促进和分享可持续发展城市新路线的战略平台。联合国教科文组织通过设定标准的实操,在城市可持续性方面展示了创意的关键作用,协助国家政府与地方当局在国际层面倡导这项愿景。 文化与创意在城市的可持续发展方面发挥着举足轻重的作用,这不但有助于实现经济多元化发展,创造就业机会,还能通过参与建设城市的社会结构与文化多样性,改善市民的生活质量。

