Accumulating and exercising soft power has become a deliberate component of Chinese foreign policy. The paramount leaders of the

admin2020-08-19  90

问题     Accumulating and exercising soft power has become a deliberate component of Chinese foreign policy. The paramount leaders of the Chinese political establishment have spoken and continue to speak on this subject. This emphasis on soft power has continued a decade into Xi Jinping’s tenure and is viewed as one of the elements necessary to realize the "Chinese Dream" —the revitalization of Chinese society and achievement of national glory. The concept of soft power is also prevalent in Chinese academic discourse, with works by Chinese intellectuals forming a large part of the body of literature on Chinese soft power. Regardless of the extent to which Chinese politicians and intellectuals speak and write about soft power, the real world is replete with examples of Chinese soft power at work. Confucius Institutes, nodes of Chinese culture and language, number in the hundreds and are present on six continents. The Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a Chinese initiative that came to fruition at the end of 2015, has a membership of 86 states and half as much capital as the World Bank. The list of soft power tools at China’s disposal is long and growing, whose significance actors in the international system can ill afford to ignore.
    Soft power is here defined as the "ability to obtain desired outcomes through attractions rather than coercion or payment". For completeness, the antithesis of soft power is "hard power", which is defined as the use of power by a country to coerce or induce other countries to take certain actions or adopt particular positions. Whereas soft power is about "shaping what others want", hard power "changes what others do".


答案 将积累并运用软实力纳入其外交政策,是中国经过深思熟虑的结果。中国政府最高领导人已经并将继续就该话题发表讲话。习近平同志就任国家主席的十年来,中国一直强调发展软实力,这也被视为实现“中国梦”,即实现国家富强、民族复兴的一项必要因素。软实力的概念同样盛行于中国的学术界,以中国软实力为主题的文献资料主要是中国知识分子的著作。姑且不论中国的政治家和知识分子如何竞相谈论或描写软实力,中国软实力发挥作用的实例在现实世界比比皆是。比如,孔子学院作为中国文化和语言广泛传播的平台,目前在全球开设数量已达数百所,遍布六大洲。再如,2015年底,由中国倡议设立的亚洲基础设施投资银行正式成立。其目前已有86个成员,拥有的资金相当于世界银行的一半。中国可支配的软实力工具还有很多,且数量还在增加,其在国际体系中的重要性不容忽视。 此处的软实力指“通过吸引而非胁迫或收买的手段获得预期结果的能力”。从完整意义上来说,与软实力相对的是“硬实力”,即一个国家利用实力强迫或诱导其他国家采取某种行动或采取某种立场。软实力关乎“塑造他人意愿”,而硬实力在于“改变他人行为”。

解析     形容词deliberate在原文中修饰没有生命的名词component,若直接按照原文结构译为“刻意的组成部分”,会令读者产生不解,结合下文可知,中国是经过考量以后有意识、有计划地展现其软实力,故将deliberate单独译为小短句“是经过深思熟虑的”。因为中国展现软实力已经是既定事实,故增译范畴词“结果”,使整句话的表意更清楚。component意为“成分,组成部分”,文中指展现软实力是中国外交政策的一部分,翻译时为与deliberate衔接,应将句子从主动变为被动,以符合共同的主语“中国”,使用“将……纳入”这个结构来体现component的含义。
    the extent to which意为“……的程度”,结合文章后半句可知,此处含有“中国政治家和知识分子谈论或描写软实力的程度高”的意思,故在翻译时使用“竞相”一词从侧面体现。be replete with是固定搭配,意思是“充满……”,使用“比比皆是”表现这种例子很多、很常见,一方面起到了强调作用,另一方面也自然地承接了下文中的实例。
