"War is a mere continuation of politics by other means, " Prussian theorist Karl Von Clausewitz wrote. Today, banking—broadly de

admin2016-09-27  76

问题 "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means, " Prussian theorist Karl Von Clausewitz wrote. Today, banking—broadly defined as lending and borrowing money through institutions and bond markets—is a continuation of politics, or war, by other means. In the 20th century, Germany wielded power over European neighbors through brute military force. In the 21st century, Germany, abetted by France, uses its influence with the European Central Bank and the European Union to dictate terms to Greece and other weak nations. And the effort to halt Iran’s march to nuclear prominence relies as much on the international banking system’s willingness and ability to enforce financial sanctions as it does on the threat of bombs.


答案 普鲁士理论家卡尔·冯·克劳塞维茨写道:“战争不过是政治通过其他方式的延续”。今天,银行业——广义上是通过政府机构和债券市场进行借贷的机构,是政治或战争通过其他方式的延续。20世纪,德国粗暴地使用武力对欧洲邻国耀武扬威。21世纪,德国在法国的煽动下利用它在欧洲央行和欧盟的影响力给希腊和其他弱国发号施令。要阻止伊朗走向一个核大国,很大程度上要看国际银行系统是否乐意并有能力对其实施财政制裁,就像对待实施核爆炸一样。

