
admin2014-10-03  61

问题     我们这次到英国看得最多的不是教堂、雕塑、花园,而是政府出资建造的经济房。每到一个城市,陪伴我们参观的小李都不时地指着车窗外的一些高低不一的建筑说:看,这是经济房。经济房自然是给穷人准备的,到处都有此类住房,不由地让我们产生了这样的感觉:英国怎么有这么多的穷人啊?不过英国的穷人不是我们想象的那种饥寒交迫、满街乞讨的可怜之人。相反,有些小日子过得挺滋润。我们在街头见过一些弹着吉他,吹着风笛,或者拉着提琴的所谓卖艺者。从服饰上看,一点没有破破烂烂的模样,看脸上的气色,不能说红光满面,起码也是健康正常肤色,再看手里的乐器,都是半新甚至全新的科技产品。小李告诉我们,别看这些人在瑟瑟秋风的街头演奏,但绝不是为了几个钱。想跟他们拍照,愿意给两个零钱就给,不给也没关系。言外之意:人家并不指望着靠施舍过日子。


答案What we saw the most on this journey in the UK are not the churches, sculptures or gardens, but the economically affordable houses built with the government’s investment. Whenever we arrive in a different city, Mr. Li who accompanied us during the visit would always point out of the car window to some buildings of different heights and say: Look, these are the economically affordable houses. As it is a fact that economically affordable houses are for the poor, seeing so many such houses wherever we go brings us such a feeling: How come there are so many poor people in the UK? However, the poor in the UK are nothing like the poor suffering coldness and hunger, begging along the streets as we have imagined. On the contrary , some enjoy quite nourishing life. We have seen the so-called street performers who play the guitar, bagpipes, or violin. What they are wearing is not shabby at all and if their faces do not look ruddy, but at least they look healthy and normal. Besides, the instruments in their hands are all semi-new or even brand-new technology products. Li told us that these people were not performing in the street in howling wind for money. You can give them some if you want to after taking pictures with them and it does not matter if you give them nothing at all. What lies behind his words is: They do not expect to live on charity.

