How to Take Your Time How a person thinks about time can kill him, according to Dossey, a pioneer in the emerging science of chr

admin2013-08-12  16

问题                         How to Take Your Time
How a person thinks about time can kill him, according to Dossey, a pioneer in the emerging science of chronobiology, the study of how time interacts with life. One of the most common ills in our society, he says, is "time sickness", a sense of time pressure and hurry that cause anxiety and tension. These symptoms can contribute to heart disease and strokes, two of our most frequent causes of death.
     (A)Almost all living things in our world carry their own biological clocks synchronised with the rhythms of nature.(B) A crab can sense when the tide is about to change. A mouse wakes when night nears. A squirrel knows when to prepare for its long winter nap.(C)They adjust to changes in the environment.(D)
    Light is the most powerful synchroniser in most living things. But in humans there is another powerful synchroniser: other people. Pioneering studies in Germany reported that when people were put together in groups isolated from external time cues of light, temperature and humidity, their own complex internal time-keeping rhythms became desynchronised; then they resynchronised in unison. Even body temperatures started to rise and fall together, a sign that subtle biochemical changes in each body were now happening together. These experiments may have discovered one of the mysterious forces that reshape individuals into members of a team, cult or mob.
    The mind can alter rhythms of time in various ways. People brought back from the brink of death often recall their entire lives flashing before them in an instant. Those who have been in a serious accident often report that, as it occurred, everything happened in slow motion; apparently this is a survival tool built into the brain, an ability to accelerate to several times normal perceptual speed, thereby "slowing down" the world and giving the victim "time" to think about how to avoid disaster.
    Because the time our society keeps has been taught to us since birth, we think of it as something that everyone everywhere must somehow share. But cultures differ in how they perceive time. In North America and the industrialised countries of northern Europe, life is tightly scheduled. To keep someone waiting is frowned upon. But in southern Europe and in the Hispanic countries of Latin America, people are given priority over schedules, and in making appointments, the starting time is more flexible.
    Each view of time has advantages and disadvantages. But the costs can be great. When our natural inner rhythms are out of synchronisation with clock time, stress results. Under the tyranny of clock time, western industrialised society now finds that heart disease and related illnesses are the leading causes of death. However, such "time illnesses" can be treated and prevented by changing the way we think about time. He applies simple techniques that you can also use to change and master your own time:
    1)Unclock your life.
    Stop wearing a wristwatch. Time becomes much less of a concern when we break the habit of looking at clocks or watches.
    2)Set your own inner sense of time.
    To illustrate that time is relative, Einstein observed that to a person sitting on a hot stove, two minutes could feel like two hours; to the young man with a pretty girl, two hours could seem like two minutes.
    3)Tap your body’s power to change time.
    We all possess an inborn ability to relax. Most people can summon it up merely by dismissing disturbing thoughts and by controlling their breathing—for example, by thinking the word "one" with each outgoing breath. Within several minutes this can produce deep calm.
    4)Synchronize yourself with nature.
    Take time to watch a sunset, or a cloud cross the sky. Remember that there is a time far older than what humankind has created with clocks.
    The cultural pattern we call time is learnt, and if we wish to live in harmony with nature, we must learn to recognize that its time still shapes our world and should not be ignored. We created the mechanical time around which our society operates, and we have the freedom to choose whether we will be its slave or its master.
According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of the statement that time still shapes our world and should not be ignored?

选项 A、Time sickness contributes to heart disease and strokes.
B、A squirrel knows when to prepare for its long winter hibernation.
C、Life is tightly scheduled in North America.
D、Light is the most powerful synchronizer in most living things.


解析 本题为正误判断题。题目要求找出不支持“时间改变着我们的世界,我们不能忽视它”这一观点的陈述。选项A(时间病会导致心脏病的发生)出现在第一段的结尾,选项B(松鼠知道要为漫长的冬日做好储备)出现在第二段倒数第二句,选项C(北美人都有严格的时间表)出现在第五段,这几个选项都是证明“时间改变着我们的世界,我们不能忽视它”的论据,只有选项D(光对于大多数生物来说都是最重要的显示共时的显示器)与时间无关,因此选择D。
